Instance of Animation
video of Saabaat house, Second Gate and barrack- video 7
Building Type
{barracks, سربازخانه, 兵舎, caserne, Kaserne}
{House of Sābāt, خانه ساباط, サーバートの家, maison de Sabat, Haus des Sabats}
{second gate, دروازه دوم, 第二の城門, deuxième porte, zweites Tor}
{Sābāt of Jews, ساباط جهودها, ユダヤ人のサーバート, Sabat des Juifs, Sabat der Juden}
Person Contribution
Photo Before and After Earthquake
Alley, view to east before earthquake
Barrack, view from Governor's District to south before earthquake
Barrack, view of main entrance of south wall after earthquake
Barrack, view to east after earthquake
Barrack, view to north after earthquake
Barrack, view to north after earthquake
Barrack, view to north-east before earthquake
Barrack, view to north-west after earthquake
Barrack, view to south after earthquake
Barrack, view to south after earthquake
Barrack, view to south-east after earthquake
Second Gate tower, view to north before earthquake
Second Gate tower, view to north before earthquake
Second Gate, view to east after earthquake
Second Gate, view to north after earthquake
Second Gate, view to north after earthquake
Second Gate, view to north after earthquake
Second Gate, view tonorth-west before earthquake
Rights-1--Dublin Core Metadata
National Institute of Informatics
Rights-2--Dublin Core Metadata
Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicraft and Tourism Organization
Raazahang Architectural Firm
University of Tehran
Video of 3DCG Reconstruction
Saabaat House, Second gate, Barrack- video 7