Instance of Building Typology
{governor's bath, حمام حاکم, 統治者の浴室, bain du gouverneur, Bad des Gouverneurs}
Building Name-Multilingual Equivalents--Terminology
governor's bath
حمام حاکم
bain du gouverneur
Bad des Gouverneurs
Building Type-Explanation
Private bath, which belonged to the governor of the Citadel
Input Dataset
3D basic drawing
3D cartographic map
General plan surveyed before earthquake
Location-Cartographic Reference--Core Data Index Metadata
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project)
Location-Geographic Co-ordinates
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth
Material and Technique--Core Data Index Metadata
brick (adobe?)
Output Dataset
Photo of 3DCG reconstruction of Governor Section, Chahar-Fasl edifice (Four Season edifice), Governor Bath, Deep Water Well and Watch Tower
video of Four Seasons Monuments and Governor Section- video 6
Physical Condition --Core Data Index Metadata
{demolished (before restoration), (not restored)}
Satellite Image
governor's bath.jpg