Instance of Building Typology
{Governor's House, خانه حاکم, 統治者の家, maison du gouverneur, Haus des Gouverneurs}
Building Name-Multilingual Equivalents--Terminology
Governor's House
خانه حاکم
maison du gouverneur
Haus des Gouverneurs
Building Type-Explanation
large house for the governors of the Citadel, consisted of underground, ground, and first floors. The main characteristics are its grand iwan on the south side and its location at the top of the Citadel with windows overlooking the whole city to the south
Historical Summary--Core Data Index Metadata
Referring to the style, it could have been built in the Safavid period (1501/1502-1722 AD) some changes had been done during the Zand (1750-1794 AD) and Qajar (1794-1925 AD) periods (Tayyari, 1383 Hijri Shamsi (solar)).
[If the barracks and house of the commander was built during the Seljuk (1041-1187 AD) or Teimorid (1370-1507 AD) periods (Nourbakhsh, 2535 [1353 Hijri Shamsi (solar)]), one can assume Governor’s House was built at the same time]
Input Dataset
3D basic drawing
3D cartographic map
Elevation surveyed before earthquake
General plan surveyed before earthquake
Plan surveyed before earthquake
Section surveyed before earthquake
Location-Cartographic Reference--Core Data Index Metadata
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project)
Location-Geographic Co-ordinates
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth
Material and Technique--Core Data Index Metadata
adobe{gold decoration, chalk bands, mud and straw, mud and sieved straw, chalk decoration}
Output Dataset
Photo of 3DCG reconstruction of Governor Section, Chahar-Fasl edifice (Four Season edifice), Watch Tower and Governor House
Photos of 3DCG reconstruction of Governor's House-uncomleted
video of Governor House and Tower-video 5
Physical Condition --Core Data Index Metadata
{partly ruined ((especially vaults) before restoration), demolished (after earthquake), completely restored (before earthquake)}
Satellite Image
Governor's House.jpg