Instance of Building Typology
{Mir's House, خانه میر, ミールの家, maison de Mir, Mir-Haus}
Building Name-Multilingual Equivalents--Terminology
Mir's House
خانه میر
maison de Mir
Building Type-Explanation
Large house near the zourkhaneh of the Citadel consisted of 3 adjacent houses and a large stable. The large house was for general use. Two of the small houses were for private use for family members with a private bath in the south east and the smallest house was for servants
Input Dataset
3D cartographic map
Elevation surveyed before earthquake
General plan surveyed before earthquake
Plan surveyed before earthquake
Section surveyed before earthquake
Location-Cartographic Reference--Core Data Index Metadata
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project) yard 1
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project) yard 2
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project) yard 3
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project) yard 4
UTM Co-ordinates, from 3D cartographic map (IFCA project) yard 5
Location-Geographic Co-ordinates
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth yard 1
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth yard 2
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth yard 3
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth yard 4
Latitude and longitude, from Google Earth yard 5
Material and Technique--Core Data Index Metadata
adobe{chalk trim, mud and straw, mud and sieved straw, chalk decoration}
Physical Condition --Core Data Index Metadata
{partly ruined ((especially vaults) before restoration), demolished (after earthquake)}
Satellite Image
Mir's House.jpg