• DSR IM Silk Road
    Commentary/Supervisor :
         Kosaku Maeda
         Professor Emeritus of Wako University
         Director of Japanese Institute for the Studies of Cultures of Afghanistan

  • Museum, Cinema, Panorama sites
    Photographs by Takashi Echizen
    [Photos and Data] The content of the Bamiyan Heritage published on this website are digitized versions of the 35mm color positive photos taken between September and October of 1978, which were after the restoration work performed by UNESCO. The images of the West and East Grand Buddhas and murals are valuable records which were in good condition prior to destruction by terrorist attacks in 2001.      


  • All copyright on this website are reserved for the National Institute of Informatics (NII). Some copyrights for content contributed to the DSR Chronological Map may be reserved for those who provided the media.
  • No copying, reproduction, transmission, electronic copies are permitted without advance permission.
  • DSR Project Leader
    Dr. Kinji Ono
          Professor Emeritus National Institute of Informatics (NII)