国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト

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History of the expedition in Asia, 1927-1935 : vol.2
中央アジア探検史 : vol.2

キャプション 目次

0027 [Photo] PLATE I~t ヘンペル少佐、ボグド=オーラのモミの森にてMajor Hempel in the fir wood, Bogdo-ula
0027 [Photo] PLATE I~b キルギス族の春の季節移動、ボグド=オーラにてKirghiz spring migration in the Bogdo-ula
0028 [Photo] PLATE 2~t チュグチャクとセルジオポルの間のカザフ族の村A Qazaq village between Chuguchaq and Sergiopol
0028 [Photo] PLATE 2~b トルコ人賭博師Turki gamblers
0041 [Photo] PLATE 3~t J-air山脈の細い山道The narrow defile in the J air mountains
0041 [Photo] PLATE 3~b ホクリエコフの家、チュグチャクに進む際の我々の宿舎Hokhriekov's house, our quarters when passing Chuguchaq
0042 [Photo] PLATE 4~t チュグチャク・ウルムチ間の幹線道にて浅瀬を渡るFording a stream on the highroad between Chuguchaq and Urumchi
0042 [Photo] PLATE 4~b 用水路が壊れて水浸しになったジュンガリアのオアシスA Dzungarian oasis flooded by a broken irrigation canal
0047 [Photo] PLATE 5 典型的なトルコ人小作農と若い東干の兵士Turki peasant types, and a young Tungan soldier
0048 [Photo] PLATE 6~t 雪で覆われたボグド=オーラの斜面を登るClimbing a snowy slope of the Bogdo-ula
0048 [Photo] PLATE 6~b 南からアイディン=キョルを横切るボグド=オーラ山脈The Bogdo-ula range from the south, across Lake Aidin-köl
0056 [Figure] Fig. 1. 裕福なトルコ人A well-to-do Turki.
0058 [Figure] Fig. 2. タリム地方からやってきた老トルコ人Old Turki from the Tarim region.
0061 [Photo] PLATE 4~l 総督金樹仁、彼の衙門にてGovernor-General Chin Shu-jen in his yamen
0061 [Photo] PLATE 4~r 袁復禮教授、測量用平板とProfessor P. L. Yuan at his plane-table
0062 [Photo] PLATE 8~t ウルムチの街路のぬかるみを苦労して歩く少年Boy wading through the mire, of a street in Urumchi
0062 [Photo] PLATE 8~b 楊総督が自身のために建設したウルムチの記念堂The Memorial Hall that Governor-General Yang built to himself in Urumchi
0066 [Figure] Fig. 3. タリム盆地下部からやってきた二人のトルコ人(ロプ人)Two Turkis (Lopliqs) from the lower Tarim.
0071 [Figure] Fig. 4. かいば袋から餌を食べる中国のラクダChinese camel feeding from a nose-bag.
0075 [Figure] PLATE 9~t 城壁に囲まれた中国の都市、チュグチャクにてThe wall round the Chinese city in Chuguchaq
0076 [Photo] PLATE 9~b 中国の宿屋の前、新疆にてIn front of a Chinese inn, Sinkiang
0076 [Photo] PLATE 10 グスタフ王にささげられたトルグートの移動ユルト式寺院からの一場面Scene from the Torgut temple-yurt presented to King Gustaf
0089 [Photo] PLATE 11~l 杭州の《マルコポーロ》»Marco Polo » in Hangchow
0089 [Photo] PLATE 11~r 杭州の寺院のテラスからFrom a temple-terrace in Hangchow
0090 [Photo] PLATE 12 蘇州の運河A Soochow canal
0099 [Photo] PLATE 13 ヴィンセント=ベンディックス。フェルナンド=ド=ゲルドルによるスケッチからVincent Bendix From a drawing by Fernand de Gueldre
0100 [Photo] PLATE 14 王様の金メダルを友人のラマにつける著者The author decorates Mate Lama with the King's gold medal
0102 [Figure] Fig.5 no captionno caption
0105 [Photo] PLATE 15~t ゴビ隊のラクダThe camels of the Gobi-group
0105 [Photo] PLATE 15~b バトゥ=クルカ=スムのキャンプ。左から、ハズルンド、ベルクマン、フリース=ヨハンセン、ヘルナー、ラーソン、著者、陳、ベクセル、ジョエル=エリクソン、フンメル、ボーリン(直立)。In the camp at Batu-khalagh-sume. From the left: Haslund, Bergman, Friisjohansen, Horner, Larson, the author, Chen, Bexell, Joel Eriksson, Hummel, Bohlin (standing)
0106 [Photo] PLATE 16~t ゴビ隊のキャラバンは1929年11月11日に出発The caravan of the Gobi-group starting on November 11th 1929
0106 [Photo] PLATE 16~b バトゥ=カラク=スムのキャンプでの最後の朝食、11月11日The last breakfast in the camp at Bata-khalagh-sume, November 11th.
0108 [Figure] Fig. 6. モンゴル人のラマたちMongol lamas
0111 [Photo] PLATE 17~t シャラ=ムレン=スムの一部A part of the Shara-muren-sume
0111 [Photo] PLATE 17~b 僧院入り口のマニ車を囲む少年のラマたち、シャラ=ムレン=スムにてLama lads around a prayer-wheel in the front porch of one of the temple halls, Shara-muren-sume
0112 [Photo] PLATE 18~t ドルベト王の寺院Temples of the Durbet Wang
0112 [Photo] PLATE 18~b カブチリン=スムの本堂、ドルベトにてA prayer hall in Khabchilin-sume, Durbet
0113 [Photo] PLATE 19~t デワ=グンのキャンプ。前景はユルト式寺院。Deva Gung's camp. The temple-yurt in the foreground
0113 [Photo] PLATE 19~b デワ=グンのユルト式寺院の仏壇The altar in Deva Gung's temple-yurt
0114 [Photo] PLATE 20 著者とドルベト王侯、王の邸宅の前でThe author and the Durbet prince in front of the latter's palace
0119 [Photo] PLATE 21 デワ=グン夫人、壮麗な彼らの客用ユルトの外でThe wife of Deva Gung outside their magnificent guest-yurt
0120 [Photo] PLATE 22 チャハルのボロ=トロゴイン=スムの本堂Prayer-hall in Boro-tologoin-sume, Chakhar
0125 [Photo] PLATE 23~t ダワン=ジャランギン=スムDavan-jalangin-sume
0125 [Photo] PLATE 23~b ハリン=ケルワ=スムHarring-kerva-sume
0126 [Photo] PLATE 24~t カダイン=スム、ジョエル=エリクソンの布教拠点。左の丘の斜面に見えるのは元のカダイン=スム。Khadain-sume, Joel Eriksson's missionary station. On the slope of the hill to the left is seen the original Khadain-sume
0126 [Photo] PLATE 24~b 張家口から北に伸びる道沿いの漢族の村。住居の一部は黄土の崖を削ってつくっている。Chinese village on the road northwards from Kalgan. The dwellings are partly carved in the loess cliffs
0139 [Photo] PLATE 25~t 北京の北海の島(瓊島)と頂上のストゥーパThe Pei-hai island in Peking with its crowning stupa
0139 [Photo] PLATE 25~b 北京郊外の五塔寺Wu-t'a-ssu, outside Peking
0140 [Photo] PLATE 26~t 城壁から見た北京の住居区画Peking living quarters seen from the city wall
0140 [Photo] PLATE 26~b 北京、隆福寺の市場The Lung-fu-ssu market, Peking
0147 [Figure] Fig. 7. エドセン=ゴルのオアシスからきたモンゴル人A Mongol from the Edsen-gol oasis
0149 [Photo] PLATE 27 若いオスのラクダA Young male camel
0150 [Photo] PLATE 28~t 二頭の牛に牽かれるモンゴルの高速荷車A Mongolian express-cart drawn by two cows
0150 [Photo] PLATE 28~b 立派な冬毛のラクダたちCamels in fine winter dress
0153 [Figure] Fig. 8. 夏季のエドセン=ゴルの支流A branch of the Edsen-gol in summertime
0158 [Figure] Fig. 9. 冬季のエドセン=ゴルの干上がった河床The dry bed of the Edsen-gol in wintertime
0163 [Photo] PLATE 29 モンゴル人の若者、変わった身なりの外国人に接した時の満面の陽気さと好奇心A Mongol lad, full of mirth and curiosity at the queer garb of foreigners
0164 [Photo] PLATE 30~t ゴビをゆっくり進むラクダのキャラバンCamel caravan moving slowly over the Gobi
0164 [Photo] PLATE 30~b 最高の状態のモンゴル人たちMongols at their best
0167 [Photo] Fig. 10. レイヨウ(Gazella subgutturosa)の頭部Head of an antelope (Gazella subgutturosa).
0169 [Photo] PLATE 31~t 熱河への途上、第一日目の夕食Supper on our first day on the road to Jehol
0169 [Photo] PLATE 31~b 熱河への途上、昼食休憩。左から、著者、モンテル、ゼーデルボムHalt for lunch on the road to Jehol. From the left: the author, Montell and Siiderbom
0170 [Photo] PLATE 32 熱河、普陀宗乗之廟(Potala)を囲む壁の東門The eastern gate in the wall enclosing the Potala, Jehol
0175 [Photo] PLATE 33 普陀宗乗之廟の寺域への入り口A gateway in the Potala temple grounds
0176 [Photo] PLATE 34~t 獅子溝をはさんだ普陀宗乗之廟の全景Total view of the Potala across the Lion valley
0176 [Photo] PLATE 34~b 普陀宗乗之廟にてIn the Potala temple grounds
0180 [Photo] Fig. 11. 普陀宗乗之廟境内の建物Buildings in the Potala precincts
0181 [Photo] PLATE 35 天をつくが如き普陀宗乗之廟の正面The heaven-storming facade of the Potala
0182 [Photo] PLATE 36 ゲオルグ=ゼーデルボム、Hu Taラマ、Liang氏、モンテル。普陀宗乗之廟内の小さくて上品なストゥーパの前で。Georg Söderbom, Hu Ta Lama, Mr Liang and Montell in front of a small, elegant stupa in the premises of the Potala
0184 [Figure] Fig. 12 普陀宗乗之廟の南側正面The southern façade of the Potala
0185 [Figure] Fig. 13. 普陀宗乗之廟、南に向かっての眺めView from the Potala southwards
0187 [Photo] PLATE 37 普陀宗乗之廟の都網殿(?)。右手は回廊の残存部分。The Golden Pavilion in the Potala. To the right the remaining skeleton of the surrounding galleries
0188 [Photo] PLATE 38~t 避暑山荘から見られる新宮(須弥福寿之廟)全景Total view of the Hsin-kung as seen from the Summer Palace
0188 [Photo] PLATE 38~b 南西からみた行宮(須弥福寿之廟)The Hsin-kung seen from the south-west
0190 [Figure] Pig. 14. 普陀宗乗之廟の僧侶の長たる、Hu TaラマHu Ta-lama, head of the monks in the Potala
0191 [Figure] Fig. 15. 普陀宗乗之廟から南西を望むView towards south-east from the Potala
0193 [Photo] PLATE 39~t 行宮(須弥福寿之廟)の金の屋根The golden roof of the Hsin-kung
0193 [Photo] PLATE 39~b 新宮(須弥福寿之廟)The Hsin-kung
0194 [Photo] PLATE 40~t 大仏寺(普寧寺)前の中庭The courtyard in front of the Ta-fo-ssu
0194 [Photo] PLATE 40~b 承徳郊外の漢族の農地。後方は大仏寺(普寧寺)。Chinese farmsteads outside Ch'eng-teh. In the background the temple of the Great Buddha (Ta-fo-ssu)
0196 [Figure] Fig. 16. 行宮(須弥福寿之廟)の西の部分Western part of the Hsin-kung
0197 [Figure] Fig. 17. ゲオルグ=ゼーデルボムの調査に基づく熱河の地図。縮尺はおおよそ1:50000。Sketch-map of Jehol from a survey by Georg Sederbom. Approximate scale 1: 50,000
0199 [Photo] PLATE 41 大仏寺から熱河の谷の向こうを望む。稜線の向こうには盤錘峰(?)が立つ。View from the Ta-fo-ssu across the Je-ho valley. Above the horizon rises the Batlet
0200 [Photo] PLATE 42~t 普楽殿(普楽寺)The P'u-lo-tien
0200 [Photo] PLATE 42~b イリ廟(安遠廟)The Ili-miao
0201 [Figure] Fig.18. 大仏寺の門前In fort of Ta-fo-ssu
0205 [Photo] PLATE 43 旭光閣、普楽殿(普楽寺)の中心の建物Hsu-kuang-ko, the central hall of the P'u-lo-tien
0205 [Photo] PLATE 44~t 羅漢堂、熱河にてThe Lo-han-t'ang, Jehol
0206 [Photo] PLATE 44~b ブッダの五百人の弟子の一部(五百羅漢)、羅漢堂にてSome of the five hundred disciples of Buddha in the Lo-han-t'ang
0211 [Photo] PLATE 45 灤河峡谷In the Luan-ho gorges
0212 [Photo] PLATE 46~t 灤河より長城を望むThe Great Wall from the Luan-ho
0212 [Photo] PLATE 46~b 長城を過ぎる際に残しておいた護衛The escort we left when passing The Great Wall
0217 [Photo] PLATE 47 灤河のボートThe boat on the Luan-ho
0218 [Photo] PLATE 48~t 灤河の渡し場、洒橋鎮?The ferry over the Luan-ho at Sha-ch'iao
0218 [Photo] PLATE 48~b 我々のボートを見に来た若者たちYoungsters coming to inspect our boat
0223 [Figure] Fig. 19. 灤河沿いの下口鎮Hsia-k'ou on the Luan-ho
0224 [Figure] Fig. 20. 灤県?で停泊Stopping at Lung-shan, July 11th
0225 [Figure] Fig. 21. 灤河を帆走するSails on the Luan-ho
0227 [Photo] PLATE 49~t 灤県?・灤河、7月11日Lung-shan. Luan-ho, July 11th
0227 [Photo] PLATE 49~b 夜間停泊する灤河の船Boats on the Luan-ho stopping for the night
0228 [Photo] PLATE 50 熱河駐屯軍のための穀物を載せた小型船隊A flotilla with grain for the Jehol troops
0237 [Photo] PLATE 51~t 熊のダンス、北京の最初のスウェーデンハウスの中庭でA bear dance in the courtyard of the first Swedish House, Peking
0237 [Photo] PLATE 51~b スウェーデンハウスのお茶のテーブルを囲んで。左から、レッシング教授、ラーゲルベリ夫人、著者、スウェーデン代理大使ヨーエン=ラーゲルベリ、オルベア=カールベック、ゲオルグ=ゼーデルボムAround the tea-table in the Swedish House. From the left: Professor Lessiug, Mrs Lagerberg, the author, the Swedish chargé d'affaires Joen Lagerberg, Orvar Karlbeck and Georg Söderbom
0238 [Photo] PLATE 52~t 北京のデンマーク電報局、二番目のスウェーデンハウスThe Danish Telegraph Mess in Peking, the second Swedish House
0238 [Photo] PLATE 52~b 北京で製作中のシカゴ用の寺院のレプリカ。左手後方が寺院の模型。The temple replica for Chicago in course of manufacture in Peking. To the left in the rear the model of the temple
0247 [Photo] PLATE 53~t 北京郊外、夏の離宮の裏手、乾隆期以来の寺院の廃墟Temple ruins from the time of Chien Lung behind the present Summer Palace outside Peking
0247 [Photo] PLATE 53~b 午門、北京紫禁城の正門Wu-men, the main entrance to the Forbidden City, Peking
0248 [Photo] PLATE 54 金箔をほどこした緑ターラー像、熱河のイリ廟にてThe gilded image of the green tara in the Ili-miao, Jehol
0262 [Figure] Fig.22. 熱河、普陀宗乗之廟の都網殿の平面図Plan of the Golden Pavilion of the Potala in Jehol
0265 [Photo] PLATE 55 シカゴで建てられている熱河の普陀宗乗之廟都網殿のレプリカThe replica of the Jehol Golden Pavilion being erected in Chicago
0266 [Photo] PLATE 56 西北科学考査団の記念切手と、その下図となった中国絵画The postage stamps of the expedition and the Chinese painting that served as a model
0273 [Figure] Fig. 23. 張蔭棠氏、かつてラサで駐蔵大臣を勤めたMr Chang Yin-t'ang, once Chinese Amban in Lhasa
0275 [Photo] PLATE 57 三番目のスウェーデンハウスで収蔵品を荷造りする、1933年4月。右から、著者、レッシング女史、ノリン、ボーリン、ベルクマン。Packing collections in the third Swedish House, April 1933. From the right : the author, Miss Lessing, Norin, Bohlin, Bergman
0276 [Photo] PLATE 58~l 金箔をほどこされた仏像、北京念華寺?Gilded Buddha statue in Nien-hua-ssu, Peking
0276 [Photo] PLATE 58~r 延寿寺の仏像、地元の農民たちは手放すことを拒んだThe Buddha in Yen-shou-ssu, with which the local peasants refused to part
0293 [Photo] PLATE 59 玉泉から耕地、湖を望む。北京郊外の夏の離宮にて。View from the Jade Fountain across rice-fields towards the lake at the Summer Palace outside Peking
0294 [Photo] PLATE 60 北京の最後のスウェーデンハウスの中庭Courtyards in the last Swedish House in Peking