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Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 | |
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2 |
626 209. DILIVAR
a form of Emilio (cf. Vol. I, 32) ; and in a Ms. of Jacopo d'Acqui, the book is said to be called «Liber Milonis (v. 1. Milionis) de mirabilibus mundi ». Moreover, all the ancient Italian editions, beginning with the first one of 1486 and down to that of 1672, are entitled either De le meravigliose cose del mondo or Delle meraviglie del mondo. As a matter of fact, the titles given to the book have been many. To those mentioned in the above readings it may be added that the note in the flyleaf of the della Crusca Ms. says that the book is called « la navigagione di messere Marcho Polo ». Yet the consensus of the French Mss. is in favour of the form used here as a catchword, and it can mean only « Description of the World », the title which has been adopted in the present edition.
dalivar FA, FB deliura, diliura V dilivar, dili dilivar F
delindinar, elimar (?) VB dely R diluar VA
MARSDEN had supposed that the name was altered from «da Livar», which he explained as « of Lahore ». YULE (Y, I, 104, 105) concurred when he found that the Qaraunas (see « Caraunas ») had actually plundered Lahore. The identification is accepted, somewhat doubtfully, in RR, 420, and B', 442.
Although I dare not change the form in F, I suspect that « Delidinar » in VB and « Dely » in R point to « Deli » as being the right reading. Ghiyâ/u-'d-Din (GhiyaOu-'d-Din; see « Asidin ») was sultan of Delhi; and, in the same text where he says that the Mongols have taken Lahore, he adds : « They even talk about the conquest and sack of Delhi. » Right or wrong, Polo had perhaps thought that the robbers had advanced as far as the capital. The difficulty comes from the fact that RAMUSIO, while giving « Dely » as the name of the city, writes « Malabar » as the name of the province; this is absurd, but the ending of « Malabar » has probably something to do with the ending of « Dilivar ». Both forms may be corrupt (see « Caraunas »). Perhaps Polo spoke of the kingdom of « Deli » and of the capture of « Lavar ». Unfortunately there is no corresponding passage in Z.
Delhi (« Deily ») appears on the Medici and Catalan maps, but with details which show other sources than Polo; the same holds good to a still greater extent for Fra Mauro's « Deli »; cf. HALL-BERG, 183. Odoric writes probably « Dili » (cf. YI, II, 115, 127; Icy, 423, 435). Clavijo's text has « Delieste », the ending being unexplained. Cf. also YULE, Hobson-Jobson2, 302. The kingdom of a N. Ti-ii (*Dili = Delhi) sent a mission to China in 1412 (cf. TP, 1933, 316).
dogaua F, L gana FA saua FB
dogauel V
This « name », hitherto read « Dogana », has given rise to much speculation, from PAUTHIER'S « Khâna-âbâd » (Pa, 112; read Khânabad) to YULE'S « Jusgâna » and later, though with much doubt, « Deghân » or « Dehânah » (Y, I, 152); cf. also HALLBERG, 213. In Y, in, 34, CORDIER has copied
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