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0105 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 105 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




year will be fruitful; but if there is ` hoarfrost and snow ', there will be calamities. They commonly have faith in this and they call it ` bird divination ' (, j. niao pu). »

ch'u, Broussonetia papyrifera, is perhaps used here in the common sense of mock ingots or cash made of paper for use at sacrifices; but it may also be a wrong reading. In the corresponding passage the T'ang hui-yao of the Sung, 99, 9 a, and the T'ai p'ing kuang-chi, 482, 4 a, give i chiu-yao, « wine and viands »; while the quotation from the original T'ang hui yao in the Pei-hu lu,

2, 5 b, gives i'f   chiu-chuan, « wine and flesh ».

« When they are in mourning, they do not change their dress and ornaments; in case of a father or mother, they do not comb their hair or wash for three years. When a noble dies, they flay off his skin and store it, and put the bones into a vase, mix them with gold dust and bury them. When the queen is to be buried, several tens of her high officials and relatives follow her in the tomb. In the ta-yeh years (605-616), the prince of Shu (Ssû-ch'uan), [Yang] 3 Hsiu sent an envoy to invite them [to submit]; but they resisted and did not receive him. In the wu-years (618-626), the woman king, Lady (f shih) ( g T'ang P'ang, for the first time sent an envoy to offer in tribute products of the country. Kao-tsu (618-626) made [the envoy] rich presents and sent him back. When [the envoy] reached Lung-yu (i. e. Kan-su), it happened that the T'u-chüeh (Turks)

made an incursion, and he was caught [and taken to] the Court of the Barbarians. When   * j
Hsieh-li (*El-gayan) made his submission, this envoy came again to the [Chinese] Court; T'ai-tsung (627-649) sent him back to his country, granting him an Imperial letter to comfort him. In the

second ch'ui-kung year (686), the queen a   Han-pi (*xâm-pjie) sent her high official (;1q J 7~
T'ang Chien-tso (*T`âng KjBm-tsâ) to come to the Court, and ask again for an official title. [Wu] Tsê-t'ien (684-705) gave Han-pi the title of tso yü-ch'ien-wei yican-wai chiang-chün (a title in the Imperial Guard), and had barbarian (fan) clothes made of ` auspicious brocade ' (IJ~ jui-chin)

which she granted to her. In the third t'ien-shou year (691/2), the queen    g 0 Yen-êrh
(*Ngâ Jäm-nzie; in T'ang hui-yao, 99, 9 b, 0-[1f]yen-êrh [*Ngâ Jän-nzie]) came to render homage to the Court. In the first wan-sui t'ung-t'ien year (696), she sent an envoy who came to render homage to the Court. In the 29th k'ai-yüan year, in the twelfth moon (Jan.-Feb. 742), the ruler

ktf   -fk Chao I-fu sent her son to offer products of the land. In the first t'ien pao year (742),

the order was issued to the officials to treat him with a banquet at    Ch'ü-chiang (a pleasure

resort and banqueting hall ten li south of Ch'ang-an), and instruction was given [to the officials] from the ministers downwards to attend the banquet. Moreover, the queen [Chao] I-fu received investiture (feng) as prince De ItA Kuei-ch'ang ([P here left space for a note] and was given the title of tso chin-wu-wei ta-chiang-chün (a title in the Imperial Guard); her son was granted eighty pieces of silk and sent back. After that, they chose men again to be kings. In the ninth chêng yüan

year, the seventh moon (Aug.-Sept. 793), their king   r   T'ang Li-hsi, together with the king

of the kingdom of   Ko-lin (*Kâ-ljén; I suppose that this is the kingdom of Kô-Ian of the

Pei shih, 96, 9 a; cf. supra p. 692),   a 4 Tung Wo-t'ing, the king of the kingdom of the

Po-kou (cf. supra p. 690), pi;   Lo T'o-hu (in T'ai-p'ing huan yü chi, 184, 15 b, « T'o-lo-hu »

seems to be an erroneous reading), the younger brother of the king of the kingdom of `   Pu-tsu

(*B`uo-tsuo; same reading in T'ang hui-yao, 99, 10 a; the Hsin T'ang shu, 221 A, 3 b, gives « the king » instead of «the younger brother of the king »),(S â ü Têng Chi-chih, the nephew of the