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0139 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 139 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



240. GHIUGIU   735

Uzzano, I have found « leggi » in Pegolotti (EvANS, 298), and in a manuscript quoted by PAGNINI himself, Della decima, II, 117, 118, 120.

RAMUSIO'S Persian informant, « Chaggi Memet », was a native of Giiân (« nativo della provencia di Chiiàn, appresso al mare Caspio »); cf. Y', I, 290; RAMUSIO, in his Dichiaratione, 14 b.

Polo nowhere states that his Sea of Baku, or of 311 or Gilân, is the same as what he calls Sea of Sarai (see « Sarai ») at the end of his book; perhaps he was not altogether conscious of their identity, and Rusticheiio was certainly not.

Polo speaks of the recent Genoese raiding expedition on the Caspian Sea, and YULE has quoted (Cathay2, Ii, 105) a remarkable text relating to a later Genoese buccaneering feat of 1274. There are other instances. Josafa Barbaro mentions (RAMUSIO, u, 92) a similar raid in 1428, but this time by the Venetians.

On   cf. LS, 173-175; Mi, 388.

  1.  GHELLA

chella P   ghella VA   gielie V

gella VL   ghelle LI, LT   grelle FA

gelle F, L   ghellie R   guele FB

ghele TA', TA3

A kind of silk. See « Gel or Chelan ».

  1.  GHIUGIU (c. 154)

chegui TAl chengiu, ghingiu F chengui LT cyngui G

gengui R

ghengiu F, L ghengui Z ghonguy P giengui VA ginguy FB

gregui VL guiguy FA zingru V zingui, zinqui VB

CHARIGNON (Ch, III, 100) is right in seeing here JJ 1+1 Ch'ii-chou, a name which goes back to T'ang times and has remained in use until now. Ch'ii-chou was on the regular postal road of the time.