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0146 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 146 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



742   249. GUDDERI


griden VB

gudderi F, L, LT, P, Z; R

guderi FA, LT, V, VA   gudery FA, FB

This is the Mongol name of the musk-deer, küdäri, dialectally buderi and hüdüri (cf. POTANIN, Ol'erki, iv, 159); Tib. gla-wa; Turk. tabïrça, with dialectal forms which have given the Russian kabarga, and others like .ibïr'an (RADLov, s. v. tabir(a; POTANIN, Oêerki, iv, 159). The word küdäri has not yet been met with in any ancient text apart from Polo; the Hua-i i-yü gives for « musk-deer » Jihar (written Mong. Ji'ar < Jibar, Turk. yïpar), which is the name of « musk » itself. KOVALEVSKII adds, s. v. küdäri, a Kirgh. form « khoude », which would seem to find some support in the double Mong. forms küdäri and küdäi of the Chinese Tetraglot Dictionary (Ssû-t'i ho pi wênchien, 31, 54 a) ; but I am not certain of the accuracy of u khoude ». There is in KKirgh. an animal küdörö, unidentified in RADLOV, II, 1487, but perhaps the civet-cat ; I suspect it is KOVALEVSKII's « khoude ». At any rate, küdörö is fundamentally the same as Mong. küdäri, although referring to another animal; in Kalmuk, küdj applies to both the musk-deer and the musk-rat (desman) ; cf. RAMSTEDT, Kalm. Wörterbuch, 244 2. A semantic change may also be supposed in Osm. güdäri, « finely prepared skin », which would then have meant originally « deer » and afterwards « deer-skin ».

The derivation of küdäri is unknown. There is no reason for the double -dd- in F, Z, L, and the guderi of V, VA, has perhaps preserved Rustichello's original spelling.


ghuglelmo di tripoli TA3 Biles tripolitanus P5 guielmo da tripoli R guielmo da tripolli VA guiglielmo da tripoli TAI

guilelmus tripolitanus P guilielme de tripule F guilielmus de tripoli L guillaume de triple FA, FB

guillelmus de tripoli LT gulielmo da tripoli VL uielmo da tripolli VB uielmo de tripoli V


Guglielmo da Tripoli was one of the two Dominicans who were to accompany the three Polos to Qubilai's Court, but who did not go further than Ayas in Lesser Armenia. He has been mistaken more than once for Guillaume de Rubrouck (cf. D'AVEZAC, Rec. de Voyages, iv, 553; ROCKHILL, Rubruck, xxxtx; what ZARNCKE, Der Priester Johannes [1876], 94-95, attributes to a chronicle by Guglielmo da Tripoli is due to that old confusion and occurs only in Rubrouck). Guglielmo da