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0180 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 180 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



776   280. MALES

for the name of the Christian   ,, .7    i , An Ma-Ii-hu-ssû, An Markus, known at Chên-chiang

at that time (cf. TP, 1915, 651, 682; Mo, 159); An is a Chinese surname, and Markus, Mark, was then of frequent occurrence among Nestorians in China.

The ultimate fate of all these churches is unknown. PAUTHIER (Pa, 484) has already quoted, from the accounts of the Dutch Embassy in 1795 published by MOREAU DE SAINT-WRY and by DE GUIGNES, two parallel texts relating to a temple which the envoys saw outside the city of Tan-yang (a district south-east of Chên-chiang) and where a Christian had lived « 300 years earlier ». Cf. also DUYVENDAK in TP, 1938, 90-91. CHARIGNON (Ch, III, 67) seems to connect these texts with the church which, he says, was erected in 1295 « south of Tan-yang ». But CHARIGNON is mistaken;

the church of 1295 was erected « south of the Tan-yang hostelry » ( PA   Tan-yang-kuan),
and this is a well-known government hostelry which was at Chên-Chiang, not at Tan-yang (cf. TP, 1915, 639, 670). The tradition recorded by the members of the Dutch Embassy is nevertheless of real interest. It is quite possible that a former Christian church, founded at Tan-yang, was afterwards taken over by the Buddhists or the Taoists, and that some memory of its origin survived; for a similar case in the region of Shanghai, cf. TP, 1915, 631; the very name of the temple, given as « San-y-ko » by DE GUIGNES, may represent J --- rm, « Hall of the Triune », san-i having been, from T'ang times, a Chinese term used for the Holy Trinity; but it may also be something else.

I have not at my disposal the local monographs which would allow me to reach more precise conclusions.

280. MALES (ISLAND), see

malle FBt, TAI, TA3

maschia VA

mascholi, mascoli, masolle VB mascholina Vr, VL


maschulina V mascola, mascolina R mascula L, Z masculina P; G

masculus L

mascus Lr

masle F, FA, FB masles F, Fr, t, FB


  2.  MEDIANE, see INDIE


marchio V, VB melchion FA

melchior F, FB, LT, TAI melchyor Z

melquior L

One of the three Magi kings; cf. Y, I, 82-83, and the bibliography added here under « Baltasar », q. v. The name is Aramaeo-Assyrian, Milki uri, « My king is my light » (V. SCHEIL).