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0190 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 190 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
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786   290. MULECTE

40 (YS, 3, 2 a) : In the 2nd year [of Hsien-tsung, Mongka] (1252), in the spring, « ,E AD T

Ch'i-tu-pu-hua was sent to attack the fortress ( # chai)   q   it Chi-êrh-tu-ch'ieh (*Girdkä

= Girdkoh; cf. Br, II, 110-111) of the    Mo-lai (Muiàhidah) ». Ch'i-tu-pu-hua is the noyan,
protector of the Christians, who was beaten and lost his life in 1260 at the « Spring of Goliath »; his name is often transcribed « Keit-bugha »; I am not yet certain of the true form; although I;y , s Kitu-buqa is also met with in Mussulman sources (cf. QUATREMÈRE, Hist. des Sultans Mamlouks, I, 97; Ber, I, 46).

50 ( YS, 3, 2 a) : In the 2nd year [of Mongka] (1252), in the autumn, the 7th month, order

was given to it 0   Ch'ieh-ti-pu-hua (*Kit-buys) to reduce the Mo-li-hsi (Mulà-
bidah) ».

6° ( YS, 3, 3 b) : In the 7th year [of Mongka] (1257), in the spring, « Ch'i-tu-pu-hua and others made a punitive expedition against the fortress of Chi-êrh-tu-ch'ieh (Girdkoh) of the Mo-lai (Mulàliidah) and pacified it ».

70 (Ch'ang Tê's account of his journey in 1259). A paragraph concerns the Ac 75   Mu -

nai-hsi (Muiàhidah); it has been translated in Br, I, 133-136, and is too long to be reproduced here. I shall only make two remarks : a) In Br, I, 133, the would-be « Ki-du-bu-gu » must be read only

Ch'i-tu-pu; ku is no part of the name and belongs to the following sentence; moreover, Ch'i-tu-pu is a very poor transcription of Girdkoh, and would seem to have been contamined by Ch'i-tu-pu-hua's name, if it did not appear also in the next text. ß) Instead of « Da( 10-dje Na-

shi-rh » of Br, I, 134, we must certainly read   Huo-chê-na-shih-êrh, tla ah Nair,
and the man intended is really the famous minister and astronomer Na§iru-'d-Din At-Tûsi, 1 1274.

8° ( YS, 147, 6 a; biogr. of Kuo K'an). Kuo K'an took part in the campaign of 1253-1256 under Kitbuqa's orders. This part of his biography has been translated in Br, I, 134-135. The text writes that in 1253, Kuo K'an arrived in the Kingdom of the 2N 75 4,1% Mu-nai-hsi (Muiàhidah);

in 1256, he arrived at z,   [. Ch'i-tu-pu. We have here, with a scarcely different spelling, the
same anomalous transcription of Girdkoh as in Ch'ang Tê's account. As a matter of fact, I think that Ch'ang Tê must have been dependent on Kuo K'an for his information about these events, which would explain their common error in the name. Na§iru-'d-Din's name is altered here too, but by some copyist's mistake, and we must again read Huo-chê-na-shih-êrh, Uo ah Nasir, instead of « Pu (î' ) -chêh-na-shih-êrh ».

90 In the Cho-kêng lu of 1366, end of ch. 3, there is a legend about the Mussulman .c 1 Mu-nai-i which seems to apply to the founder of the Muiàhidah. It is said that the man, when he was 78 years old, lived only on honey, was buried in a coffin full of honey, and that, when the coffin was opened a hundred years later, the honey was still there and had wonderful healing properties. Mu-nai-i would mean « honey-man ». I do not know the origin of this legend, where honey has perhaps taken the place of hashish.

10° The name of the main Ismaiiian fortress Aiamût is given as jspj *IJ 4   A-la-mu-t'ê on

the Ching-ship ta-tien map and in YS, 63, 16 b (cf. Br, II, 109).