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0240 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 240 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



836   341. SLIOZOLA

of incidents relating to the water and land communications between Yün-nan-fu and Ssûch'uan, and always mention the difficulties of the track of land south-west of Hsü-chou, when passing the territory of the T'u-lao-man. That is one of the reasons why we must admit that the « Toloman » are the T'u-lao-man, and that « Siugiu » is Hsü-chou of the Mongol period, the Hsü-chou-fu (vulgo Sui-fu) of modern times. The equivalence of « Siugiu » and Hsü-chou-fu had already been proposed to YULE, with very good reasons, by RICHTHOFEN, and it is a pity that YULE did not adopt it outright (Y, II, 129-130). CORDIER'S note (Y, n, 131) and the map opposite still wrongly suppose that Polo's route passed east of Hsü-chou-fu. The result is that the traveller is supposed to go up to Ch'êng-tu by the To-chiang, while there can be no doubt that his twelve days of travel by river from « Siugiu » to Ch'êng-tu are from Hsü-chou-fu (Sui-fu) up the Min River via Chia-ting. RICHTHOFEN was also right on this point.

Although I adopt « Siugiu », « Suigiu » would not be impossible if we could establish that the Sui- pronunciation of the modern dialectical « Suifu D goes back to the Mongol period.

  1.  SLIOZOLA (c. 216)

sledis (nominamus 'flamingo' sledem) L4

slioziole, sliozola (-e) VL traga, tragula P

tragia (-e), tregule LT

traha LT, P

traza VA

treggia (-e) TAi, TA3 tregia Z

treias LI treies F treze VB troias L

[The text of the above note is missing due to some mistakes committed by the printer at London.]

  1.  SOGATU

sagatu FA, VL; R   sogato V   sogatu F, FB, LT, P, VA, VB, Z

This is the pR Ali So-tu of Chinese texts, whose biography is in YS, 129, 5 a-6 a (and in T'u Chi, 80, 1-4), and whose name, in spite of Bl, II, 447, has nothing to do with Sadun. So-tu is *Sôdü, for Sôtü, with the frequent hesitation between t and d in the suffix -tu, -tai, and Sôdü, Sötü is <Sö'ätü, written Sögätü. We have here an example of hesitation, among the Mongols themselves, between the two values -g- and -'- of written -g- (for a similar case with -y-, see « Tagaciar »). The Chinese So-tu confirms the « Sogatu » of F and Z against R's « Sagatu », since *Sagatu, *Sa'atu, would have given *Satu. The name long remained in use. At the end of the 17th cent., the Manchu