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0241 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 241 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



344. SONDUR   837

Prince « Sosan » (So-san, « So Third ») of the missionaries was really So-ê-t'u, Sö'ätü, which gives an intermediary form between Sögätü and Sötü (cf. TP, 1924, 363; 1929, 196; 1936, 383).

Sögätü, a Jalair, took part in the operations against Li T'an (see « Liitan »), then in the siege of Hsiang-yang (see « Saianfu »). In 1281, he was appointed head of the expedition to Champa, and left Canton the next year with his fleet of 100 high-sea junks and 250 war junks. At first successful, he took the capital Cha-ban and established himself in the country; but the defeat of Qubilai's son Toyön in Tongking brought Sögätü into a disastrous war with the Annamese, and Sögätü's biography makes him die in the field (1285).


anchora V crocara VL soncara F, FB, L, P, P5; R soncaran VB

sonchara VA soncharet LT soticara Z

souscara FA sunchara TA' sunchata TA3

One of the eight « kingdoms » of Persia. YULE has shown (Y, t, 86) that it must be Sabànkàrah or ~l~l,; Sawânkârah, to the south of the great salt lake east of Sirâz. The transcription is rather abnormal, but all the Mss. agree, and there may have been a popular Persian pronunciation akin to Soncara. Fra Mauro writes Sonzara, probably representing a Sonçara corrupted from Soncara.


Condur aira V

candur Fr, t

chodur TAlr, TA3r chondur TA3

Sondur cenduz P sandii VB sandur FA, FB

condior VB

condur F, FA, FB, L, TA', VA, VL, Z; R

sarclan Ft sardan Fr, V sendor VA

condus LT conduz P

sodur TA', TA3

sondur F, L, VL, Z; R sondus LT

For the identification, see « Condur ».

The reading « Sondur » of F, R, Z, is also in Fra Mauro (HALLBERG, 450).