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0246 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 246 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



842   348. TAIANFU

the correct TâyMAr. On the other hand, a name Toyonêar, quite different, seems to have existed; it may be responsible for the wrong spelling ~l>lc i Toyaêar in Bl, ri, 94, and be represented in

Chinese by the )1 giC   T'o-huan-ch'a-êrh (Toyonêar) of JNCB, 1927, 23.



carassu, charassu VL   tanafi, tonaffu VB   tayansu LT

taianfu F, FA, FB, L   tanianfu F   taynaf TA3

taienfu FA   tayanfu Z   tinafu TAI

tainfu R


cainfu Ft   tainfu R   tayansu LT

staifu, taianfu VA   tanorchi (?) VB   taynar Pr

taianfu F, FA, FB, L, TA'   tayanfa TA3   taynfu P

taienfu FA   tayanfu Z   toianfo V

taifu Fr

All commentators agree that this is   J, jff T'ai-yuan-fu in Shan-hsi. Polo's form must

have been the one then current among Persian-speaking foreigners, as we have ,1; Tayanfu in Ragsidu'd-Din (Bl, II, 214). But, in another place (Bl, II, 181), Ragid gives the more scholarly transcription 5'J3 sl; Tai-van-fu. In Ber, ni, 21 (and Persian text, 33), we should expect, because of the Chinese parallel text, the name of T'ai-yuan-fu to be one of the two which BEREZIN'S translation amalgamates into an impossible « Tung-Fu »; but the Mss. are corrupt almost beyond emendation.

I cannot accept the form « Taivanfu », adopted in RR, 169, 170, and BI, 173, 174, 175, as a correct rendering of the name as Polo used it, despite the note in B, 104.

  1.  TAICAN

caycam P

taica V(cor.)

taican F, FA, FB, Lr taichan VA, VB

taichaz TA3 tanita V taycam LT taycan L

taycham TAI(?), VL taychan Z taychaz (?) TA' thaican R

3l;~,l~ Tàigan or   Taliqan (Tàlegàn according to LENTZ), in North-Eastern Afghanistan;

cf. Y, I, 154; BARBIER DE MEYNARD, Dict. Géogr., 376, 380, 389; LENTZ, in ZDMG, 1932, 8; LS, 423; Mi, 341.