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0276 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 276 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



872   379. VUGHIN

surmise. Long after 1281, on January 3, 1285, in fact, Fan Wên-hu was advanced to a prominent position in the Military Council (YS, 13, 4 a), and again twice in 1287 (YS, 14, 5 b, 6 b). Later on in 1287, when Qubilai was remonstrated with for using too many southern Chinese, Qubilai rejoindered that he could part with all except four, one of them being Fan Wên-hu (YS, 14, 7a). As late as 1293 and 1294 Fan Wên-hu was still in charge (YS, 17, 7 b; 18, 3 b).

  1.  VUGHIN

ciungui VB   vghin LT   vughin F, L, Z

iugui V   vnghin TA3   vughyn FB

unghin TAl

See «Vugiu », where I propose to read « Caghin » = Chia-hsing, instead of «Vughin ». But the solution is by no means certain.

  1.  VUGIU (c. 151)

ingiu TA'   vagiu R   vugiu F, L

ingui TA3   vigui V   vugui Z

nongin VB   vngui LT   vuguy FB

uugiu F   vonguy FA

This name belongs to a difficult portion in Polo's itinerary; although the direction is clear, the names do not easily fit in.

Polo, coming from Chên-chiang, has passed Ch'ang-chou and reached Su-chou. One day after leaving Su-chou, he arrives at Vugiu (?), he then speaks of another place called Vughin (?),

afterwards of still another called Ciangan, and then begins his description of Quinsai (Hang-chou) by saying that it takes three days to go from Ciangan to Quinsai. Opinions have been greatly at variance as to the three intervening cities between Su-chou and Hang-chou.

The Ching-shih ta-tien (in the Yung-lo ta-tien, 19426, 9 b), thus gives the water and land stages between Chên-chiang and Hang-chou :

10 By water : Chên-chiang, 60 li S. E. to Jif gt, Tan-yang; 60 li tog   Lii-ch'êng; us. iff±

Lo-shê; Ch'ang-chou (see « Ciangiu ») ;   Hsin-an; P'ing-chiang (= Su-chou; see « Sugiu ») ;

due south, g fi Wu-chiang;   P'ing-wang;   Chia-hsing;   Tsao-lin;
Ch'ang-an; ; ) Ch'ih-an; S. W., Hang-chou (see « Quinsai »).

20 By land : Chên-chiang, 60 li to Tan-yang; 60 li to Lü-ch'êng; 45 li to Ch'ang-chou; 90 li

to   Wu-hsi; due south, P'ing-chiang; P'ing-wang; T T Ch'ung-tê; 60 li to M • Lin-p'ing;