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0279 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 279 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



383. YANGIU   875

  1.  VUGUEN

inquin VB uguchu VL uinque TA3 uugen F

uynquem G vnguem R vnque TA' vnquen LT, P, VA

i quen V vuguen FA, FB vuiaen Z vuqen F, L

Has been variously located at RI   Min-ch'ing, 7n A Yung-ch'un,   J. Yü-yüan, Ji

Yu-ch'i (cf. TP, 1890, 225; 1896, 226). My own feeling is that the only place of importance between

Chien-ning and Fu-chou is ig   Yen-p'ing. Yen-p'ing was called   fij Nan-chien in Sung and
Yüan times (at least until a date posterior to 1278; cf. YS, 62, 9 a), and it is only under the name Nan-chien that it appears in the postal itineraries in Yung-lo ta-tien, 19426, 10 a. Nan-chien (then Nam-kiem) would be *Namguem in Polo's transcription; and Vuguen might be the outcome of *Naguem. I am fully aware that such an identification does not agree with the interpretation generally given to the six and three days and fifteen miles mentioned by Polo in this chapter; but these mentions of duration and distance are not always so clear as YULE would have them to be. Moreover, I admit that the solution I propose is purely conjectural.

  1.  YANGIU

angiu F, L cangui G cingni TA1 cingu, nangi TA3 iangui V, VA; R

ianguy FA, FB languin V mangui VLr nangui LT, VL pagui VB

yançu Z yangiu F, Ft, L yangui Fr, P5 yanguy P

All authorities agree that this is 1,4 J1j Yang-chou, the next postal stage after the northern bank of the Yang-tzü. Except for a short time in 1284-1285, Yang-chou was the seat of a special province from 1276 to 1291. This province of Yang-chou was counted by Rasidu-'d-Din as the fifth province of China, after that of « Namging » (= K'ai-fêng in Honan) and before that of Hang-chou; Rasidu-'d-Din writes the name, Yangju, wrongly read Sukcu and identified with Ssûch'uan in BI, II, 488-489. When I said this in 1928 (TP, 1928, 166-167), I failed to call attention to the fact that according to Ragid (Bl, II, 488), 31.j, Toqan then resided in « Yangju »; BLOCHET has added in a note that this Toqan can have nothing to do with Toqan, eleventh son of Qubilai. But, on the contrary, we know from YS that Toqan (Toyan), Qubilai's son, was banished from the Court after his failure in Tonking, and governed Yang-chou from 1291 to his death in 1301; his