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0017 Southern Tibet : vol.2
南チベット : vol.2
Southern Tibet : vol.2 / 17 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000263
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





The valley of the upper Satlej, below Tirtapuri     136

Pundi-gompa looking N 30 0 .     152

Diripu-gompa     A

The Kailas as seen from Tugu-gompa a summer evening after sunset     A

Gurla-mandata from the eastern shore of Manasarovar    156

Views of Gosul-gompa on the western shore of the Manasarovar Lake     158

The Gurla-mandata from Camp 218, Southern shore of Manasarovar 16o

Gurla-mandata from Camp 228, western shore of Rakas-tai     A

The Kailas from Camp 218    

Looking N. from Gartok     • A

Ladaki Merchants at Gartok    

The valley between Tseti-lachen-la and Singi-buk, looking south. Sept. 9. 1907     162

Looking down the same valley in the direction of the uppermost Indus    A

The Rabgyäling valley, a tributary to the upper Satlej, looking S.S.W.    

The bridge of Kyunglung     A


Daba-gompa     A

The Nyandi-gompa     , 210

The roof of Nyandi-gompa with the Kailas in the background    

The Kailas from N.    •

The Kailas from the Tseti-la valley    »

A view of Kailas from Khaleb    

Looking east from Khaleb     A

A Tibetan from the province of Chokchu     212

Tso-kavala on the north-eastern side of the Kailas    A

The Kailas from N    

The Kailas from S.W.    

The Kailas from N.E.    

The Kailas from S E   

A Aman-rigmo near the source of the Indus     214

The source of the Indus     A

Abandoned camp at the upper Indus     A

The road to the source of the Indus    

II-131387. II.