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0076 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 76 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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the colonel, " had had this country, you would

have made a magnificent place of it by now ;

but our Russians have none of that colonising

spirit you have, and the country is only slowly

opened up." Since that time, however, the

Siberian railway has been taken in hand. The

Russians are waking up in earnest, and a great

future ought to lie before these magnificently

fertile tracts of Eastern Siberia. What the

Chinese colonists have been able to do on their

side of the border is a type of what the Rus-

sians could do also. And with a railway to aid

in its development, all these regions about the

Amur and its tributaries ought to equal the

most thriving parts of Canada.