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0084 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 84 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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as the sun rose the mist melted away, but for

the time one seemed to be verily in a fairy-


We passed through many villages and thriv-

ing little towns, and at length, after covering

the last ninety miles in two days, we arrived at

Mukden and found ourselves among our own

countrymen again. We drove up to the

Scottish mission established here, the members

of which had been particularly kind to us on

our previous visit to Mukden, and had pressed

us to stay with them on our return. Messrs.

Ross and Webster and Dr. Christie came run-

ning out of the house as they saw us driving up

in the cart, and it was only as we were shown

into a cosy drawing-room, where the ladies

were having tea, that we realised how rough

we had grown on the journey. We had each

of us developed a beard, which, as well as our

hair, now, in the light of civilisation, seemed

most unkempt. Our faces were burning red

from the exposure, and our clothes especially

our boots were worn out and torn with the

rough wear they had undergone. We had

had many trials on the journey, but this facing

a ladies' tea-party in a drawing-room in our