National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Among the Celestials : vol.1 |
If in addition to these many natural advan-
tages, the country were also blessed with
mineral wealth, etc., its future would indeed
be assured, but as yet we have in this respect
only indications and no certain facts. This
much, however, I can say, that in several
different parts we heard of gold as well as of
coal, and that in one place we found gold,
silver, coal and iron within a few miles of one
another. That little has so far been heard of
the mineral wealth of Manchuria is due to the
fact that the Chinese Government absolutely
prohibit mining by private individuals.
This fertile land, blessed as it is with a favour-
able climate, navigable rivers and capacious
harbours, possesses the further all-important
advantage that it is populated by an advanced
and industrious race. Of the twenty million
inhabitants, probably ninety-five per cent. are
Chinese, and the remainder of that race which.
two and a half centuries ago conquered the
whole of China and nominally rule it to the
present day. The industry and intelligence
of the Chinese are proverbial, and in Man-
churia, both Mr. James and I were especially
struck with the energy they showed as pioneers
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