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0105 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 105 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Such action in itself is no threat to our rights

and interests. On the contrary, by opening up

the country and by enriching the inhabitants,

these measures will make Manchuria all the

better a market for our goods.

But Russia goes further than this. She tells

us that Manchuria is to be within the sphere of

Russian. influence.* She objects to our asking

China to open a second Treaty Port (Tauen-

wan), though she sees no objection to bullying

China into handing her over two ports, both of

which she proceeds to fortify, and one of which

she absolutely closes to trade. She attempts

to negotiate a loan with China, but when China

tries to negotiate one with us, she so threatens

her, that Chinese officials come piteously to us t

saying that they are so afraid of Russia they

cannot do business with us. She obtains

exclusive rights of railway construction in

North Manchuria, but she vigorously protests I

against the employment by a Chinese railway

company in the South of an English engineer

(Kinder) who had been with that same company

* Vide Blue Book, China, No. i (1898), p. 6. f Vide idem, p. 32.

1 Vide idem, p. 5.

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