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0134 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 134 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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laughter, and made the young girls look at

their faces in it, telling them they need not

be proud of their good looks, as that was what

they were really like.

It was a pleasure to be among these jolly,

round - faced, ruddy - cheeked Mongols, after

living amongst the unhealthy-looking Chinese

of the country through which we had lately

been travelling, who showed little friendliness

or good-humour, and who always seemed to

cause a bad taste in the mouth. These first

Mongols happened to be an unusually attractive

lot. They were, of course, better off than those

whom I afterwards met with far away in the

desert, and this perhaps accounted for their

ever-cheery manner, which left such an agree-

able impression on me.

Another attraction of this first day in

Mongolia was the milk and cream thick and

rich as one would get anywhere ; and here,

again, was a pleasing contrast to China, where,

as I have said, the cows are never milked, and

none is therefore procurable.

Altogether this was one of those bright days

which throw all the hardships of travel far away

into the shade, and make the traveller feel that