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0207 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 207 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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oasis, and for three miles passed through a

country covered with trees and houses. The

road also was lined with trees and houses,

even before we reached the actual town. The

number of trees was indeed quite noticeable,

and I remarked some houses which were

actually built on to the trees.

We drove into an inn yard, but found there

was no room ; and were told that a batch of

soldiers was passing through, so all the inns

had closed their doors. The gallant defenders

of their country are not held in much esteem

by their fellow countrymen. A little diplomacy

was therefore necessary. After waiting for half

an hour in the cart, we managed to induce the

landlord to arrange for a room for me.

Two Afghans, who had lived here for twenty

years, visited me. Afghans, at any rate out of

their own country, are always worth talking to.

In comparison with the docile, domestic Turkis

they are much more " men of the world, " and

I was always interested in having a conversa-

tion with them. These two Afghans told me

that they had been in Turkestan in the time

of Yakub Beg, the native ruler who had been

turned out by the Chinese ten years previously.