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0240 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 240 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

OCR Text




and make themselves comfortable than these

merchants. We first of all sat about under the

shade of the trees, while huge bunches of

grapes and delicious melons and peaches were

freshly plucked and brought to us to eat. Then

dinner was announced, and after water for

washing the hands had been passed round, we

set to at dish after dish of " pillaos " and stews,

all beautifully cooked, and we ended up with a

pudding which it would be hard to beat any-

where, made of whipped egg, sugar, and other

ingredients. All the time the merchants were

chaffing away amongst themselves, and were as

gay " and talkative as Frenchmen. One

could scarcely wish for better company or

more genial hosts. On the way home we

had races, each merchant trying to make out

that his own horse was better than the others

These men are a curious mixture of Eastern

gravity and politeness, and boyish spirits and

fun. They will come to call on you, and talk

away with the greatest solemnity and deference.

You meet them next day out for a burst of

enjoyment, and every sign of gravity is thrown

away, and they are as free and natural and full

of life as children.



