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0263 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 263 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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CHAP. Ix.]   A SEA OF ICE.   22I

were confronted by another great glacier flowing

down from the left. We now had a glacier on

one side of us, mountains on the other, and a

second glacier right across our front. At this

time my last remaining pair of boots were com-

pletely worn out, and my feet so sore from the

bruises they received on the glacier I could

scarcely bear to put them to the ground. So

I stayed behind with the ponies, while two men

went on to find a way through the obstacles

before us. The men returned after a time, and

said they could find no possible way for the

ponies ; but they begged me to have a look

myself, saying that perhaps by my good fortune

}   I might be able to find one.

I accordingly, with a couple of men, retraced

my steps down the edge of the main glacier

for some little distance, till we came to a point

where it was possible to get ponies on to the

glacier itself and take them right out into the

middle. We then ascended a prominent spot

on the glacier, from which we could obtain a

good view all round. We were in a sea of

ice. There was now little of the rocky moraine

stuff with which the ice of the glacier had been

covered in its lower part, and we looked out on