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0290 Among the Celestials : vol.1
Among the Celestials : vol.1 / Page 290 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000297
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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and the amphitheatre of snowy peaks at the

head of the Punmah glacier, and recall all the

marvellous beauties of a scene such as can only

be witnessed in a few rarely visited spots on

the face of the earth, but at the time my

thoughts were almost entirely directed towards

India. I was wearied out with my struggle

with the mountains, and longed to be free of

them and at rest once more.

On the day after our return to Askoli, the

men who had been sent by the Old Mustagh

Pass to the party with the ponies arrived back

also. They had handed over the supplies to

them, and Liu-san, Drogpa, and the rest had

started off to take the ponies round by the

Karakoram Pass to Leh. Having satisfied

myself about this, I set out by double marches

for Kashmir and the Punjab.

We followed down the valley of the Braldo

River till it joined the open Shigar valley, and

here at last I was able to mount a pony again,

and, instead of plodding wearily along, to travel

in comfort and enjoy the wonderful scenery

around me. How great a difference one's

mere animal feelings make in the ability to

appreciate the beauties of nature ! Worn and