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0159 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 159 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Sec. iv)


When I passed through Moji again, on my return in May of the following year, plenty of water capable of spreading fertility was running to waste in a number of flood-beds. The impression I received, amidst the detached areas of cultivation at Moji, was that the present population of the oasis, reckoned at 500 households, but probably considerably less, is by no means equal to making full use of the available water and arable land.



M. oox. Coins.

90 Muhammadan copper coins, among them 78 coins of ` Sulayman Khaqan ' (unidentified), in two varieties; see Plate XC, Nos. 45, 46, and J.A.S.B. 1899, Extra No. x, PL 1, fig. 3.

19 Chinese copper coins of Chien-ytlan period (7587 59 A. D.), small.

4 Chinese copper coins, do., large.

28 Muhammadan copper coins, mostly of ' Sulayman Khâgân' (?) ; see Plate XC, No. 47.

M. ow. a. Bronze seal, 1" x", bearing badly engraved Chinese (?) characters. Shank at back, pierced. See Plate L.

M. ow. b. Seal or ornament of bronze, 1". A four-petalled flower. Shank at back broken off. See Plate LI.

M. oo1. c. Bronze seal, 1r x xi" (nearly). Divided into three panels, those at top and bottom being narrow, and the centre nearly a square. The device in the centre is a Svastika, and in the top and bottom portions a conventional vine, with undulating stem and well drawn leaves. Shank at back broken off. See Plate L.

M. ow. d. Bronze seal or ornament representing a flying bird, and similar to that found at Hasa (H. M. 1.), but reversed. Shank broken off back. See Plate LI.

M. ow. e. Fragment of bronze Vajra, 1 g" x A". See Plate LI.

M. oo1. f. Portion of bronze buckle or clasp; has two rivets attached for fastening. x-" x 1". See Plate LI.

M. oox. g. Portion of bronze buckle or clasp ; appears to have been decorated with a floral design in relief. See Plate LI.

M. ow. h. Crescent-shaped lead ornament," x

M. ow. i. Fragment of an arm of a figure from shoulder to above elbow. Soapstone (?). It has an amulet with a three pointed leaf-like ornament. On the

shoulder drapery is indicated. 1N" x r;   " thick.

M. ooi. j. Fragment of arm of figure carved in same stone as M. oo x. i. and probably portion of the same arm. This piece is from below elbow to wrist. It has bangles at wrist. r x i"; appr. i" thick.

M. 001. k. Small intaglio. Carnelion. Aphrodite standing, drapery from waist downwards; holds sceptre. Held by Prof. P. Gardner to belong to third century A. D., Roman work. See Plate LI.



T. M. oo1, a. Fragment of coarse red pottery, well fired. Apparently portion of a handle of a vessel. On upper surface a small ($") stamped device resembling a rosette.

T. M. ow.- b. Fragment of light red pottery, coated inside and out with a white slip, imperfectly glazed, on which is painted a design in two tints of olive green and terra-cotta colour, on one side only. See Plate XLII.

T. M. o01. c. Small fragment of red pottery, coated with slip and light yellow glaze.

T. M. ow. d. Small fragment of red pottery as T. M. 0o1. c. but showing sgraffito pattern scratched through slip to red paste before being glazed.

T. M. ow. e. Small fragment of thin red pottery, coated on inside with thick and very beautiful turquoise blue glaze having an egg-shell surface.

Miscellaneous fragments of glass vessels of various thickness and tints from pale cream to bottle green. Many of the thinner fragments are as thin as paper, and have acquired a beautiful iridescence. Several pieces have raised lines and portions of handles or ornaments such as are common in Roman glass. In some cases the thickened rims are hollow. See Plate LII.

Two pieces of charcoal.

Small metal fragment, perhaps portion of a coin.

T. M. ow. f. Fragment of terra-cotta pottery, bearing traces of pale greenish glaze, indifferently fluxed, and slightly sulphured at edge ; 1" x z*".

T. M. ow. g. Fragment of terra-cotta flat dish, made on the wheel. It seems to have been covered with a thin white slip, over which is a fine rich yellow glaze with crude pattern in umber. On the back remains portion of the foot. a" X zip". See Plate XLII.

T. M. ow. h. Upper portion of terra-cotta vessel, with traces of slip and indifferent dark green glaze. The portion of mouth shows a diameter of about 1i" from which, after narrowing to a short neck, it swells out in elliptical curve to a diameter of about g". Height (of fragment) 1i", width r. See Plate XLII.

T. M. ow. i. Fragment of terra-cotta vessel, glazed with fine dark green glaze. xi" x.".

T. M. oo1. j. Similar fragment. xr x