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0160 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 160 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




T. M. oox. k. Fragment of centre of terra-cotta dish, covered inside with slip and yellowish glaze, on which is painted a bold pattern in yellow. i "x t ". See Plate XLII.

T. M. ow. 1. Flat terra-cotta whorl. Diameter rg"; hole s"; thickness i". See Plate XLI.

T. M. oox. m. Fragment of similar whorl. Diameter ", hole $".

T. M. oox. n. Burnt tarsal-bone of sheep or goat. Length 2r.

T. M. ow. o. Burnt fragment of bone. r" x *". T. M. oox. p. Burnt fragments of bone (?).

T. M. oox. q. One shell-like bead, black with white lines painted in enamel. Length r. See Plate LII.

Two fragments of similar beads, differing slightly in shape, and one having a few green spots as well as the white decoration. See Plate LII.

T. M. oox. r. Fragments of burnt bone. ", ."xg".

T. M. ow. s. Four fragments. of glass in tints of green and grey. One piece showing portion of the rim of the vessel to which it belonged, and is hollow-tubular. See Plate LII.

T. M. 002. a. Fragment of red pottery, unglazed, probably part of foot of a vase, or of a lid. Decorated with incised, long, daisy-like petals radiating from centre, on each of which an incised dot and line. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 002. b, c. Two fragments of red pottery, glazed with yellowish brown glaze. They may be portions of handles of vessels. They have flattened irregular pear-shaped faces, on which is roughly moulded a kind of anthemion pattern. They were connected with narrower parts at one side and at back. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 002. d. A piece of black slag.

T. M. oo3. a. Fragment of dark grey pottery, the colour being due probably to prolonged and hot firing. It shows marks on the inside of having been turned on the wheel, and on the outside has impressed a well-executed band of ornament consisting of a series of roundels between two lines. Thickness r. There are traces of a thin whitish slip on the outside. See Plate XLII.

T. M. oo3. b. Fragment of black pottery, very heavily fired. On the outside are various incised patterns arranged in bands. Thickness about r.

T. M. oo3. c. Fragment of coarse red pottery, apparrently part of a lid. It shows portions of two concentric bands of impressed patterns, consisting of a series of anthemion-like designs with a space between each impression. The designs appear to vary slightly in the two series. An incised line divides the bands. The under side is very coarse and rough. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 003. d. Fragment of red pottery, glazed, similar to T. M. oo2. b, c, but with better executed anthemion. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 003. e. Fragment similar to T. M. 003. d, but coarser, and damaged in execution.

T. M. 003. f. Fragment of pale buff, coarse pottery ; the inside very rough, the outside smooth and decorated with incised lines running round, between which a cleverly executed nebular pattern. Thickness I". See Plate XLII.

T. M. oo3. g. Fragment of coarse red pottery, glazed green. It is of curious shape, but too fragmentary to determine its original complete form and use. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 003. h. Smaller fragment of object similar to T. M. oo3. g, but glazed brown.

T. M. oo3. i. Small fragment of coarse red pottery bearing incised pattern.

T. M. 003. j. Fragment of vessel of red pottery, glazed over a white slip, and ornamented with green grey pattern, probably under glaze.

T. M. 004. a. Three fragments of thick (fl pottery, of red, unglazed clay. Probably portions of a large vessel. They are decorated with a bold, well-designed and well-executed band ornament as follows :—several slightly incised lines, encircling vessel, made with blunt point ; then a plain band, ii" wide. Below this a deeply incised guilloche band i" broad, then a narrow fillet, and then a broad band (about 2y) consisting of conventional four-petalled flowers closely resembling those on the wooden chair discovered at N. rit. (See Plate LXVIII). In the triangular spaces between the two upper petals is a bead with a hole in centre, and in each of the quadrangular spaces between the flowers there seems to have been a bunch of four or five beads. Where the points of petals of one flower meet those of the next, is a hole in the surface. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 004. b. Fragment of thick coarse red pottery (r and r" at rim), portion of a large vessel. The rim is flat at top, about r" broad, and turns over into the outer form of vessel in a sharply receding curve. The outer edge of the rim presents a half round moulding below which is a scallop decoration. Below this are a few roughly incised lines—part of decorative band. The rim forms a projecting lip also on the inner side as though to prevent liquid slopping over. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 004. c. Fragment of coarse red pottery, from r to r in thickness ; probably part of large vessel. It bears a guilloche ornament rather lightly incised, which may possibly have been impressed with a stamp. A few shallow lines are observable running round vessel.