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0161 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 161 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Sec. iv]   ANCIENT REMAINS AT MOJI   115.,

T. M. 004. d. Two fragments of coarse red pottery, -" thick, exhibiting boldly executed and well-designed band of incised ornament consisting of guilloche (similar to that in T. M. 004. a.) and below this, inverted heart-shape, within which a kind of fleur-de-lis. The spaces between heart-shapes are occupied by smaller and more simple similar patterns. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 004. e. Fragment of coarse red pottery, nearly flat. Perhaps portion of a lid of a vessel. Thickness r nearly. It bears a series of patterns, each formed by impressing an L-shaped stamp four times in such a manner as to form a cross. There are two circular bands of these divided by a line, and a sort of ray pattern formed by making lines of dots radiating roughly from the centre of the object. All very crude. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 004. f. Fragment of coarse red pottery, " thick. It bears a crude kind of cable ornament in relief, running round, and on the fragment is shown a loose end depending from the band. There are traces also of roughly and lightly incised ornamentation, apparently made with a toothed tool. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 004. g. Fragment of coarse red pottery, r thick, nearly flat. Probably part of a lid. At edge scallop pattern.

T. M. 004. h. Fragment of coarse red pottery, A" thick, with roughly and lightly incised pattern suggesting a lotus-petal design between two lines. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 005. a. Fragment of coarse red pottery, 1" thick. Bears cable pattern in relief similar to that of T. M. 004. f.; also incised scallop and line running round.

T. M. 005. b. Fragment of pottery, coarse, red. Bears scallop in relief, and roughly incised scratches to represent leaf branches. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 005. c. Fragment of pottery, coarse, red. Diaper pattern, consisting of incised triangles and in centre of each a dot. Very crude. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 005. d. Fragment of pottery, coarse red, discoloured (or perhaps purposely darkened) on upper surface. Probably portion of lid. Crude pattern formed by impressing a simple stamp twice ®, scattered about surface, and two lines probably running round.

T. M. 005. e. Fragment of red pottery, coarse, glazed with green glaze, which is imperfectly fluxed to the body. The edge bears a roughly incised pattern. It is probably portion of a lid.

T. M. 005. f. Fragment of coarse red pottery, about r thick. The outer surface decorated with broadly incised patterns, the scheme of which is not quite clear from the small fragment. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 005. g. Fragment of handle and rim of vessel in coarse red pottery, rudely representing an animal's head, probably that of a cow. See Plate XLII.

T. M. 005. h. Fragment of coarse red pottery, probably portion of a lid. The edge is turned upwards and then over into scallops. The top surface is ornamented with a circle of incised rings, within which a circle of rays springs from a plain circle. See Plate XLI.

T. M. 005. i. Fragment of coarse red pottery, apparently portion of a small lôla. It shows the rim which is thickened, also traces of a coating of unglazed colour—a sort of thin slip—on both inside and outside. The outside bears a crudely incised scratchy pattern in the slip only, consisting of more or less parallel lines running round, and a waved line running over them.


H. M. X. Small Bronze ornament in form of flying bird, about" thick, having a large shank at back, pierced with hole for pin to secure the ornament or for cord ; comp. M. oor. d.


An easy march of some fourteen miles, mostly over stony ` Sai ' covered with low scrub, brought me to Zanguya, a small but fertile oasis. According to the information supplied to me, cultivation shifts every year in turn to one of the four great plots into which the village lands are divided 1. Inadequacy of the water-supply for the available canals is given as the reason. But two great flood-beds are passed some three and four miles west of Zanguya, where there is practically no cultivation. From a statement recorded by Dr. Hedin it appears that the loss of this water is keenly felt by the villagers, whose attempts, however, at regulating embankments prove ineffectual against any larger flood. Here, too, it is clear that a denser population under a more active administration would soon find the way to increase the productiveness of the oasis.

I Compare also Hedin, Reisen in Z.-A., p. 16.

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