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0268 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 268 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




[Chap. VIII

Y. 0012. a. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, naturalistic type. R. arm broken off. Figure seated, the legs being shortened to mere stumps above knees. A well-defined plaited kilt in front of hips. The back covered with hair. The left arm hangs at side,the hand resting on the thigh in front. Height i", width i". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. a. i. Terra-cotta grotesque, similar to Y. 0012. y, but both heads are present, snout touching snout. Neither has a pigtail or tail proper. Height 18". See Plate XLVII.

Y. 0012. a. ii. Terra-cotta grotesque, similar to Y. 0012. y, but both heads are present as in Y. 0012. a. i., and one figure has pigtail. Height 1". See Plate XLVII.

Y. 0012. a. iii. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey ; naturalistic type. Seated, the legs mere stumps. R. hand laid flat on breast, with outspread fingers, L. hand veretrum tenens. The face is very pointed, nose and mouth projecting considerably. Hair of head brought to a conical point. Body hairy, and girdle shown at back only of waist. Cf. Y. 0013. c ; A. °o r. a. Height I $". See Plate XLVII.

Y. 0012. b. Terra-cotta grotesque mcnkey. Similar to Y. 0012. a, but L. hand rests on side of thigh and a small cylindrical object is held under the arm against the side. The R. arm is flexed across the body and the R. hand rests upon the near end of the cylindrical object. Latter marked by incised lines running parallel to its length. Height xi", width 4". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. c. Terra-cotta grotesque human infant, swathed from neck to ankles in a binding which encircles it five times. The feet are also covered. There is a slightly owl-like treatment of the eyes and brow (which is very low), but distinctly different from the monkey type. The figure is evidently intended to lie flat, as the back is unmodelled. Length 1â", width $". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. d. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey. Naturalistic type. Very minutely modelled, particularly the head and face. It is seated cross-legged, the left foot resting on right thigh. The R. leg is broken off at the knee. Both arms are missing. Care is shown to represent the various directions of the hair-growth--not always correctly. The figure is nude as to drapery. Height 3-è". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. e. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey. Owl-like type, but face very deformed. It is seated on its heels, but with the toes pointed directly downwards. It plays upon a kind of sildr, the L. arm being stretched at full length holding the neck of the instrument. The head is turned slightly, as though to allow the L. ear to catch the sound. Height s". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. f. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, squatting, owl-like type. Arms broken off. Object in lap serving as kilt or apron. Very roughly modelled. Height i".

Y. 0012. g. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, owl-like type ; long body ; squatting on heels. Apron-like kilt. Arms and R. leg broken off. Height Ii", width i".

Y. 0012. h. Terra-cotta bird. Resembling Y. oo9. n, but not pierced for thread, and more coarsely modelled. Length W. See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. i. Terra-cotta bird ; variation of Y. 0012. h. Length i". See Plate XLV.

Y. 0012. j. Terra-cotta grotesque bird. Wings broken off short. The body is composed of a flattened piece, curved into a hook shape, the under surface of the upward curved tail part being marked with digs of the modelling tool, and resembling slightly the re-curved body of a scorpion. The other end is rounded, and is fashioned into a head having a well-formed beak but a flattened and spreading face rising into a transverse crest. It is marked with incisions. Beneath the chest is a sort of pedestal, flattened at the bottom so that it will stand. Length IA', height i A". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. k. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, naturalistictype. Head and torso only. Cf. Y. oo I r. g. Height 18,, width â". See Plate XLVII.

Y. 00X2. 1. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, owl-like type. Legs broken ; head to R. proper. In front of chest is held a rather shapeless object, flat on upper and lower sides; one hand rests on the top, and the other below supports it. Figure hairless. Skin marks from potter's fingers visible. Height ITV, width i". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. m. Terra-cotta grotesque mcnkey, natural-istic type. Arms missing ; legs short stumps ; sitting posture ; body badly formed ; hair indicated on head and

front of body.   Kilt-like apron.   Height 2".   See
Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. n. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey ; naturalistic type. The figure is lying on its back on a kind of couch formed by the lower parts of two legs placed close together. A pillow looking like an Indian drum rests across the knees of the legs forming the couch, and supports the head of the reclining figure. The monkey is nude and hairy, and holds between its two hands, and resting on its abdomen, a small drum. The legs forming couch appear to be clothed in knee breeches and top boots. Length 1i", width i", height i". See Plate XLVI.

Y. 0012. o. Terra-cotta head with quaint head-dress, features crudely expressed. Coronet from upper part of which jug-handle-shaped piece curves over to back of head; in its loop a small pillow-shaped pad or billet. Hair drawn back and down towards nape of neck ; tied, and tail turned sharply up covering lower part of ' jug-handle.' A band passes up from below ears to upper part of tail. Coronet or hair curves round above ears to cheeks. Length I8". See Plate XLVI.