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0275 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 275 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




on both sides. The figures on reverse are on a considerably larger scale than those on the obverse. Head of large figure is missing, and also portion below hips. Height width r*". See Plate XLVIII.

Kh. 003. h. Sculptured fragment of slate-like stone, in Gandhâra style. The obverse represents a seated Bodhisattva, the two hands (dharmacakra-mudrà) in front of breast. Face, though roughly carved, of Gandhâra type ; hair arranged in four rows of small curls, above which usnisa. The ears are greatly elongated and slit. The robe is the usual simple one, and leaves R. arm and breast bare. On brow ùrnà. The reverse is much broken, and shows only a portion of a long quilted tunic and langùli covering L. leg of a standing figure, which would probably be about 3-4 inches high. The fragment probably belongs to a miniature shrine. Height z", width 1". See Plate XLVIII.

Kh. 003. i. Fragment of sculptured slate representing a figure completely clothed in a single robe, seated upon a lotus, the hands resting one within the other in the lap (dhyàna-mudrà). Ears elongated and slit. Face broad and eyes slightly oblique. The head appears to be enveloped in a smooth round cap. Behind head is indicated a nimbus. The whole, although roughly carved, is reminiscent of the Gandhâra style. The piece is evidently a fragment of a larger composition. There is no usnisa or visible ùrnà, although there seems to be a trace of the latter having been

painted on. Height 2H, width   See Plate XLVIII.

Kh. oo3. j. Bronze miniature of standing Bodhisattva figure ; R. hand raised, palm forward, fingers up (abhayamudrà). L. arm pendant, probably holding corner of robe or amrta flask. The style of figure resembles the stucco reliefs of Rawak Vihara ; comp. Plate LXXXVI. Beneath the base on which the figure stands is a chule or tang, for insertion into a socket. Height a", width r See Plate LI.

Kh. oo3. k. Portion of handle of terra-cotta vessel. The fragment is curved, and on its convex side is a bract-like outgrowing piece having a concave curve, and broadening laterally. In concavity of this portion a moulded appliqué satyr-like mask. Very naturalistic and classic. Surrounding the grinning face is an encircling row of rings suggesting curls, and outside that another row of circles incised in bract portion of handle. From lower lip depends a conventionally treated wedge-shaped beard, broad end downwards. The whole piece is extremely good and quite unoriental. Height zi", width aâ", depth ak". See Plate XLIV.

Kh. oo3. 1. Terra-cotta fragment, probably portion of handle of a vessel. Ornamented with appliqué grotesque crocodile head (Gavialis gangelicus) similar to Y. oor r. a, but in this instance eyes more naturally placed near top of head ; over them heavy eyebrows. The neck tapers into a recurved point. A few incised lines and dots on the handle show that that was also decorated. Length ak", width $". See Plate XLV.

Kh. 003. m. Terra-cotta fragment, apparently portion of a handle of some vessel. It is flat and rather thin. On outer surface an ornament consisting of a row of circles with a dot in centre of each, bordered on each side by two lines, all incised. At each side of handle, standing on portion of body of vessel remaining, and with backs resting against narrow edges of handle, are two appliqué figures of musicians with drums. They are fully clothed in long kurla and boots. One holds a drum with its flat sides vertical, and the other with the sides horizontal, one hand resting on the upper surface, and the other on the lower. The body of the vessel was decorated with incised lines. Both figures are headless. Height xi", width ri", thickness of handle Af", width of handle ir. See Plate XLV.

Kh. 003. n. Terra-cotta grotesque monkey, female. Naturalistic type. Lower limbs broken off. Well-developed breasts, R. proper being held by R. hand. L. hand pressed to L. parietal part of head (cf. Y. ooa5). Head coarsely modelled. Hair indicated on head and arms only. Height xi", width ri", depth i". See Plate XLVII.

Kh. oo3. o. Terra-cotta grotesque bear, embracing, as though trying to climb, a tree stump. The head resembles rather the owl-like monkey type, but the short thick tail and characteristic lower limbs clearly indicate a bear. Height ri", width 1", depth g". See Plate XLVII.

Kh. oo3. p. Fragment of relief figure carved in steatite. Portion from waist upwards and feet missing. The figure is draped from waist to ankles in loose, clinging robe. L. proper hand rests on L. hip, and a bangle is on wrist. Pose, that of Maya at the nativity of Buddha. The back is plain and flat, and has a hole drilled half-way through. Height 1r, width r, thickness ". See Plate XLVIII.

Kh. oo3. q. Sculptured fragment in steatite. Human head. The face, considerably worn, is hairless and of Gandhâra type ; eyes very slightly oblique. The hair, which is wavy, grows to a point in the centre of forehead. Shape of face a full oval ; mouth delicate and smiling. A kind of high coronet surrounds the hair, consisting of a flat band which inclines slightly forward at its upper edge and is ornamented with three bosses, centre one oval and those at the sides circular. Each boss is divided into four sectors by two crossed incised lines. In each sector is an incised triangle, whose sides are equidistant from each boundary of sector. Between the bosses is a kind of double bud, or vajra-like form—common in Greek and Roman ornament, and in Graeco-Buddhist sculpture. From the two side bosses to the back the band is plain, but in the centre of the back is a knot and two depending embroidered ends of drapery, so that the bosses appear to be stiff ornaments attached to a band of soft material, a kind of laenia. Height re", width r", depth 1". See Plate XLVIII.

Kh. 005. Fragment of relief in slate. OBVERSE : Gandhâra style. Nativity of Buddha. In an upright conical