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0362 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 362 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




D. x.   sleeves, white or yellow. Cushion red and yellow

(brocade). Vesica, blue field, yellow border. No nimbus. Contour lines black. Background of panel white or pink. REVERSE : Four (?) figures seated in row, of which outer two are almost entirely deleted. R. p. first seated figure, half nude ; R. p. hand raised (?), L. p. hand indistinguishable. Lower garment rich red with delicate flower diaper in dots of white. Head quite deleted. Second figure in full green robe, folds and contour lines cleverly drawn in black ; hands in lap (Dhyânamudrà attitude); head to L. p., eyes outlined in black, the outer angle continued in a single line almost to top of ear, giving precisely the effect of spectacles. Hair of both this and third figure appears to be partially shaved. Nimbus. Third figure similar to second, but head three-quarters to R. p. ; same curious elongation of outer angle of eyes. Nimbus light. Robe rich red. Fourth figure too fragmentary to make out. 'off x 4r, very soft, both colours and wood. See Plate LXIV.

D. x. 4. Painted wooden panel ; rectangular. Four figures are represented, three being to the same scale, only half length. The fourth a full figure, seated, and to smaller scale. Beginning R. p., first figure, female, three-quarter face to L. p., dressed in simple, short-sleeved yellow vest, with pink diaper pattern, over under-coat of green, with long sleeves tight at wrist. On head a diadem, yellow, composed of two transverse fillets, holding a number of short upright fillets. Nimbus. L. p. arm outstretched to full extent, slightly raised, finger pointing to diadem of second figure. Flesh pink. Hair long and curly, black. Eyes black. All contour lines red, excepting those of folds on green sleeve, black. Second figure, female, three-quarter face to R. p., wearing simple yellow or pale-green vest, similar to first, spotted with simple flower pattern. Arms bare. Hair long, curly, drooping in many curls on to shoulders. Elongated ear. Face very Persian. On hair, which is dressed high, an elaborate jewel, elliptical, a centre gem surrounded by border divided by radiating lines, bound to head by fillet, and what appear to be several loose upward curling ends. Nimbus. Eyebrows and upper lashes, black. Contour lines of vest black; of face, arms, and nimbus, red. Between first and second figures a basket containing cocoons. Third figure, seated cross-legged on cushion (cf. D. n. oxo). Head three-quarters to R. p. ; pink, short-sleeved vest ; green, long sleeves to under-coat. Lower part of legs and feet appear to be covered by boots. Four arms. R. p. front hand at breast, holding small object ; L. p. front hand on thigh ; R. p. hand back, upraised, holding spear-head (?); L. p. hand back, upraised, holding object indistinguishable. Dark coloured nimbus. Between third and fourth figures representation of a weaving frame (yellow), with horizontal warp. Fourth figure, standing, three-quarter face to R. p., holding in R. p. hand an instrument resembling a weaving comb or brush. Vest pink, diapered with large flowers, white, outlined red. Head similar to first figure, and has similar headdress. Eyebrows, eyes, hair, black ; flesh


pink ; all contour lines, red. Nimbus yellow. To L. p. of figure outlines in red, possibly meant to represent the framework drum used in spinning silk thread. Whole of background of panel appears to have been painted light pink; on this petal-shaped daubs of dark pink. Wood well preserved, fairly hard. x8" (appr.) long, 4" high, A" thick. See Plate LXIII.

D. x. 5. Painted wooden panel. OBVERSE : Trimurti figure, seated cross-legged upon a low seat covered with diced material. Figure, dark blue (slate colour), and has four arms, two upraised, holding in L. p. flower with long, yellow stalk ; in R. a wheel-like object. R. p. lower rests with hand on R. thigh, holding Vajra (?); L. at level of chest holds indistinguishable object. Feet a good deal damaged, but the R. one appears to have been painted twice, as though a correction of careless painting. Round loins a tiger-skin (yellow with black markings). Bracelets (simple bangles), yellow, on all four wrists. Armlets at biceps are of usual half-lotus pattern, yellow. Narrow scarf goes round arms, as usual, and falls from them down to thighs ; appears to have been green. There is also a thread-like chaplet (in black) tied into bows, and appears to hang round neck as in prototype of this picture, D.vii.6. Centre head three-quarters to R. p. Third eye present. Two wrinkles on neck. Thin, black wiry moustache ; smiling mouth. Black, waving, long hair. Head crowned with high crown (yellow) having Cakra-like ornament in front. Rings in both ears. L. p. head yellow, large-mouthed, coarse and fearsome ; matted hair, green. Eyebrows thick and frowning. R. head deleted entirely. All flesh outlines and features in Indian red. Eyebrows, eyelashes, drapery outlines, and Vajra in black. Aureole outlined in red. Ground of panel Indian red. REVERSE : Horseman (very Persian) on dappled grey horse to R. p. Tight-fitting, long-sleeved under-garment. Short-sleeved upper-garment reaching to knees. Top-boots. Belt, and long, straight sword slung by two slings to belt. Saddle rising in front and back. Numdah, from under which passes rope-like girth. Simple bridle and surcingle. The pose of the horse is that of prototype D. vit. 5, and similar to usual Persian tiles of princes hawking. L. p. hand holds lightly single rein ; R. hand upraised holds a patera. Cap high and of sugar-loaf shape, with edge turned up and 'vandyked.' Face, three-quarters to right, white and plump. Features delicate. Nose straight. Hair black, slightly bushy. Nimbus. Ear small, with small black earring. Two wrinkles on neck. Flying slightly downwards and towards figure, an unmistakable wild duck (black), with beak slightly opened. Indications of hilly country or sandhills. Flesh white. Under-garment yellow ; coat greyish pink. Cap, patera, saddle, white. Numdah, nimbus, yellow. Sword, hair, and all outlines, black. x r" x 514", 1" thick. See Plate LXII.

D. x. 6. Inscribed wooden beam. Oblong, with one line of writing in cursive Brâhmi characters. Original thickness sawn off to facilitate transport. Left end (com-