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0365 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 365 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




D. (T.) ox3. Stucco relief fragments. Fingers (four pieces); colossal. Red clay, traces of whitewash. Portions of four fingers. One appears to belong to D. (T.) ox 2 ; others doubtful. Cf. E. I. 04. Very friable.

D. (T.) ox4. Stucco relief fragment ; ornament. Chunam, traces of colour. Blue. Replica D. i. 53. Height IA", width 2r.

D. (T.) 015. Stucco fragment from wall, composed of grey clay mixed with coarse grass and straw. Faint traces of colour, and of inscription. 4$" x 31" appr. Very friable.

D. (T.) ox6. Fresco fragment on stucco, with inscription. Coarse mixture of grey clay, grass and straw. Traces of colour—white, black, red, and buff. On buff band edged by two curved black lines, six inscribed characters in cursive Brâhmi ; mostly illegible ; read by Dr. Hoernle ? dia ? ca ? sa. Also traces of black lines over red. 8" long, 3a" at broadest, i4" thick. Very soft. See Plate LVIII.

D. (T.) ox7. Fresco fragment on stucco, with inscription. Coarse mixture of grey clay, grass and straw ; broken in several places. Fresco : L. p. portion of rectangular panel, within which portion of aureole (?). Within this on purple brown ground, conventional floral design in white and pink, outlined in black. The treatment of leaves is very free. To L. p. toes of a large foot. In spandril, on red ground, roughly sketched sprigs of flowers with stem and leaves. To L. p. of rectangle a band of grey colour, on which sprigs in white. Below on band of white (vertical) a two-line inscription in cursive Brâhmi written in black with brush, and extending over grey band above; read by Dr. Hoernle (ist line) ga pia bra lta ro ji gi ? na ham (?) bri Nye (or hye) to ro jo ham bri hye le 3 ?

2nd line :   ? ?. Very friable. x6"x 6" (appr.). See
Plate LVIII.


D. (T.) oi8. MS. on paper ; Brâhmi; No. 32. One large D. (T.)

fragment, from middle of a document.—Note xviii. Frag-

ment belongs to the middle of a document in non-San-

skritic (Eastern Iranian). Inscribed on one side only, in

cursive Brâhmi. Size 4" x 3". [Dr. Hoernle.]

D. (T.) ooi. a. Bronze spoon, imperfect and in many fragments. Length, inclusive of handle, about 7". Width of bowl about x ". Angle of bowl to handle, very wide ; and lateral curvature of bowl itself, very flat. See Plate LI.

D. (T.) oox. b. Seven bronze fragments, apparently belonging to another spoon.

D. (T.) oox. c. Bronze brooch. xi" x x", elliptical. Outer edge shows bead ornament, with narrow fillet ; within this a flat band of pebble or glass, divided into eight equal segments. In centre, elliptical crystal, or pebble, or glass, raised and surrounded by containing fillet, outside which a row of beads. Back plain ; remains of broken shank. See Plate LI.

D. (T.) ow. d. Beads and glass fragments ; pink pebble bead, pierced ; porcelain (?) bead, unglazed, coloured pale turquoise ; fragment of light turquoise glass; fragment of fine blue glass; water-worn fragment of slate.

D. (T.) ooi. e. Two bronze rings, broken and imperfect. Very thin and light. One contains a yellowish pebble ; other has setting for three stones.

D. (T.) ow. f. Half of bronze tweezers. See Plate LI.

D. (T.) oox. g. Bronze style ; probably used to apply colouring matter to eyelashes. See Plate LI.

D. (T.) ooi. h. Small plate, elongated, elliptical, ii" x with hole at each end; might be from jazarant armour.. See Plate LI.

D. (T.) ow. 1. Odd fragments of metal.