国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
N. iv. 136. Wedge-shaped tablet. Obv. 7 11. Khar., cursive, faint, but quite clear. Rev. 2 11. similar, clear. Surface scored as though by the point of a knife. z6r x z j". Well-preserved.
N. iv. x87. Wedge cov..tablet. Hole near point. Obv. Seal cay. z" from sq. end. 11. Khar. on both sides of cay. Char. at hole. Rev. r I. very sq. Khar., rather
coarse. x or x I f" x Wood fairly preserved, but
much stained.
N. iv. 138. Rectang. cov.-tablet. Seal cay. z" x Obv. 3 11. Khar., squarely written, rather coarse, to read transversely at L. p. edge. 4 11. similar writing, but done with a fine pen, transversely, at R. p. edge. Rev. 8 Il. Khar., similar in character to Obv., coarsely written ; very clear. 5â" x 3f". Wood well-preserved.
N. iv. 189. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. I o 11. Khar., cursive and rather indistinct in places. Rev. Blank. 9r x 4". Well-preserved. See Pl. XCVI.
N. iv. 140. Rectang. cov..tablet (belongs to N. iv. no). Seal cay. 1" sq. Obv. 2 1I. Khar., very black, coarse, and square, transversely at L. p. edge. Rev. 6 11. similar to Obv., to read longitudinally. 6r x zr x ". Wood remarkably preserved.
N. iv. 14x. Rectang. cov..tablet (belongs to N. iv. 58). Seal cay. Ii" x IF. Obv. 31I. Khar., transversely at L. p. edge. Rev. 4 11. Khar., very cursive, quite clear. 5-" X 2h". Well-preserved.
N. iv. 142. Oblong tablet. Hole at one end, broken at other. Obv. x 1. Khar., much faded. Rev. Column of 5 11. Khar. near hole; traces of other columns; very faint. I3" x Ir. Wood fairly hard, much stained, very sensitive to damp.
N. iv. 143. Rectang. under-tablet, split at one end. Obv. 1 2 11. very fine Khar., perfectly clear. Rev. blank. 9F x 3$". Well-preserved.
N. iv. 144. Rectang. under-tablet, split at both ends. Obv. 13 11. Khar., cursive, rather blotted ; otherwise perfectly clear. Rev. blank. 9r x 4r". Well-preserved.
N. iv. x45. Rectang. cov: tablet. Seal cay. rte" x Obv. Faint traces of char. reading transversely. Rev. Traces of about 6 11. Khar., very faded and cursive. 51" x 21". Wood well-preserved.
N. iv. ox. a. Piece of coarse red pottery, from a large vessel, quite plain; found in centre area. 5"x 4a".
b. Two pieces of coarse red pottery, quite plain. 21" x I $" and 3" x
N. iv.
N. v. x. Tablet, fragment in 3 pieces, about 3oß" long, z$" broad at widest, and about tst." thick. Broken at both ends. Rotten and cracked by exposure; warped. No writing visible upon either side.
N. v. 2. Rectang. cov.-tablet. Obv. Seal cay. ite" sq. Frags. of string. Blank. Rev. blank. log" x 31" x f". Soft, split, and bleached.
N. v. 3. Stick-like tablet, one side rough. Obv. 2 11. Khar., separate items with figures; much faded. Rev. blank. r 6r x z" X 8". Much weather-worn and soft.
N. v. 4. Stick-like tablet. Obv. 311. Khar., disconnected items with figures (?); very black. Rev. 11. Khar., part very black. 5$" x I". Much perished at one edge, and bleached at point.
N. v. 5. a, b. Tablet, gladius-shaped, in 2 pieces. Hole in centre of one end ; groove down centre one side. No inscription. 9f"x Ir". Soft ; coated with sand.
N. v. 6. Oblong tablet. Much perished in one half. Obv. (perished end to R. p.) six columns Khar. ist and 3rd (from sq. end) 3 11. ; znd, 2 11. ; 4th, 4 Il. ; 5th, 6 11.; 6th, 3 11., the bottom line only perfectly clear and very black; bottom line of Ist column also very black and distinct. (These two black 11. and one on the Rev. evidently written with better ink than the rest, and perhaps when the wood was in a better condition for preserving ink). Some of the 11. fragmentary. There appears to be
indication of a 7th column, but the wood is so much perished at that end of tab. that it is uncertain. Rev. from sq. end, 11. at top, extending over 2 columns, of 2 11. each, lower 1. of Ist being very black and sharp. To R. p. of these, r column of 3 IL, and another of 4 (?) Il., much deleted. Beyond this, surface of wood perished and peeling. Writing generally much faded. 31 r x 31" x TV. Portions of bark remaining on sides. Wood quite hard and well-preserved at sq. end ; the other fairly hard, but surface perished, and broken away.
N. v. 6. a, b. Stick-like tablet, in 2 pieces. Cut into kind of handle at one end. Obv. Traces of Khar. characters. Rev. blank. z6 "x r- r. Perished and much discoloured.
N. v. 7. Wedge cov..tablet. Point broken. Obv. Seal cay. I" from sq. end. No inscription. Surface rotten and peeling. Rev. 3 11. Khar., very cursive, blotted, very indistinct. 7 " x I " x $". Much perished.
N. v. 8. Wedge under-tablet. Broken at end and edges. Obv. Traces of 3 Il. Khar., deleted. Rev. Traces of Khar. char. at sq. end. 8r" x Ig". Perished, bleached, and split.
N. v. 9. Wedge-shaped tablet. No hole; broken at sq. end. Obv. 6 11. Khar. in columns ; deleted at sq. end. Rev. blank. 5" x I ". Much damaged by exposure ; soft.
N. v.
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