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0485 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 485 ページ(カラー画像)


[Figure] N. xv. 005、硬い「緑色」皮(おそらくラクダ皮)の楕円形断片N. xv. 005. Oblong piece of hard 'green' leather


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




N. xv. oox. e. Fragment of glass vessel, rim and side.

li"x 1"


N. xv. oox. f. Fragment of glass, olive-green, with raised chevreul. 1i" x r.

N. xv. oox. g. Fragment of glass vessel, handle. r x i".

N. xv. oor. h. Glass bead, moulded, green. " x

N. xv. oor. i. Bowl of horn spoon. Shape roughly oval; cut with a kind of raised midrib on under-surface, which runs into handle. The handle which is at an angle of about r2o° with the bowl, is broken, and the stump remaining is cut across in a transverse splay, a hole being drilled through as though for a dowel to connect this portion with stem of handle. On each side of stump scraped marks as of a file or rasp. Size of bowl r" x 2".

N. xv. oor. j. Astragalus bone, well-preserved, and of a pink colour; has almost weight and texture of ivory. A round hole drilled through one part. x g" x â".

N. xv. oox. k. Tangled cords of wool of various qualities and textures. The longest piece consists of the usual two strands twisted loosely together, and at intervals of about i-" or less, tied round very tightly with cord in which some pigment appears to have been mixed to cause it to be a hard, bead-like mass. . The total result is a kind of rosary.

N. xv. ow. 1. A dried date. 2" x r.

N. XV. 002. Wooden seal case. Half of irregular octagonal prism; 2" long, 1i" diam. Ends of facets chamfered. Cay. about i" sq. Hole bored through centre of cay. String grooves unequal, the centre one on each side being larger than the end ones. One side of cay. broken away. Wood hard.

N. xv. 003. Detached clay seal, rough, with fragments of original string attached. Vegetable fibre and perhaps

hair mixed with the clay. Seal mark simply a circular N. xv. depression r" diameter, without visible device. ii" x if' x xi". See Pl. CV.

N. xv. 004. Ivory die, oblong, square ends. On rectangular sides are the spots, marked each by a circle and dot in centre, as though engraved with a two-pointed instrument, the dot being the mark of one point which acts as a pivot round which the other point revolves to describe the circle. Order of dots is 3 opposite r and 4 opposite 2. Length r, width r nearly. See PI. LXXIV.

N. xv. oc5. Oblong piece of hard ' green' leather (probably camel-skin), rounded at one end, square at other, with three holes bored through either of longer

edges, and a hole at rounded end. Fixed in latter two tufts of soft, tanned leather bearing traces of red colouring. Probably belonged to scale armour. 2r long, if' broad, thickness A". See diagram ; also Addenda.


N. xvi. I. Figure rudely carved in wood, nude, standing on tenon-like base. Hands together at breast; top knot. Traces of red on base, and lines of features in black. Height of figure 8", base 3$", width of shoulders ai", width of base ri", thickness about r. Well-preserved. See Pl. LXX.

N. xvi. 2. Takhti-shaped tablet, with handle 2A" long, rounded at end. Obv. 5 11. Khar., clear bold writing, but

partly faded by damp. Rev. 3 11. Khar. running towards N. xvi. handle, clear, very black. On lower edge in reverse direction 2 11. Khar. by same hand, but in fainter ink. Both sides of tablet show marks of plentiful scraping. 161" x 2r. Well-preserved. See Pl. CI.

N. xvi. 3. Rectang. cov.-tablet, in 3 pieces. Obv. No writing visible. Seal cay. about r" x $". Rev. blank. 5_" x 3". Much perished and all writing (if any) deleted.


N. xvii. I. Wedge under-tablet ; hole near point (broken). Obv. 3 11. well-written cursive Khar., nearly all very clear and black ; initial form. Rev. r 1. Khar. from sq. end ; faint. 13" x 1". Well-preserved, but soft.

N. xvii. 3 + s. Rectang. double-tablet, complete. Coy.- N. xvii. tablet. Obv. Seal cay. 1 "x r". Frags. of string; no inscription. Rev. I short line Khar. at top edge ; very clear, well-written and black ; cursive. Well-preserved. Sap wood has become very soft; heart wood is very hard.

3 G 2