国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
fourteen generations of kings, Li-yul was sometimes invaded by enemies, and sometimes vice versa. The fourteen generations begin with Vijayadharma (son of Vijayasangrâma?), and end with Vijayakirti. In this period Li-yul was invaded by the Drug gu king 'A-no-los, who destroyed the Vihâras as far as Hgehu-to-ian (sic) (f. 437 a-b).
P. 240, 11. 1-2.- Vijayakirti II was the fourteenth from Vijayadharma, who was probably the successor of Vijayasatigrâma I, and not the original Vijayadharma. It is related in the Saizghavardlzana Vydkarana how Vijayasangrâma (II, son of Vijayakirti II), who became king when seven years old, hearing of the former invasions by the Drug-gu 'A-no-ono-s'oiz (sic) and others, invaded their kingdoms, and caused great slaughter, to atone for which he built the Vihâra Hgu g. an, which was then called Hgu-zan-ta (ff. 437 b-438 b).
Ibid.—The successors of Vijayakirti II are as follows :-
Vijayasangrdma, a minor, who carried war into the land of the Drug-gu, and built the Hgu g~,an Vihâra (see above).
Vijayasimha, who built the Bzah -ser-ma Vihâra : a contemporary of an Arhat Dharmapola (f. 438 b).
Vijaya, during whose reign, and in the five following reigns, no Vihâras were built (f. 438 b).
Vijayapola, and his son Vijayasafigrdma succeeding him. The latter built the B,-ah-san gre-re-ma Vihâra (ff. 438 b-439 b).
Vijayasdtra, during whose and the three following reigns no Vihâras were built (f. 439 b).
Vijayakirti, in Hgum-tir, built the Vihâra Bha-va-n"a (f. 439 b).
Then Vijayasaizgrdma, and his son of the like name (perhaps, however, the son's name was Vijayavikrama) : in the course of a visit to China the father was killed by Drug -gus, and while the son was a minor, the minister Ama-la-khe-meg governed for twelve years, and built the Vihâra and Stûpa of Ma-na-hdi (ff. 439 b-44o a).
Vijayavikrama, on becoming king, built the Vihâra Byi-ùa gra-ma for the Arhat Devendra, his Kalyânamitra (f. 44o a).
Then the Chinese minister (?=Ambassador or Amban) Ser-the-li and king Vijayadharma built the Vihara of Maitra (f. 440 a).
Then the Chinese minister Ka-the-si and king Vijayasambhava built the Vihâra Khe-gan-tsa for two Arhats, his Kalyanamitras 'U-dren-dra-rod-ci and Dharmdnanta (°da?). They also built a Stûpa called Su-stop-n"a (f. 44o a-b).
II. Then Vijaya-bohan-then po rebuilt the Su-stolz-n"a Stûpa (f. 44o b).
Then Vijayasimha, a youth, was oppressed by his ministers and the queen mother, whom on growing up he punished. He then built the Vihâra Ro-bya. Afterwards, his queen having been helped by certain Arhats (Manya (?), Satrajnâ, Sthyaiuta, Si»zhandda, and others) from India, he built the Vihâra Nu-bo-na (ff. 44o b-441 a).
Then a bhiksuni named .. ohi-dzaya, the elder sister of .. o-rgya, queen of Hdon-hdros, being arrived from China to act as Kalyânamitra of her younger sister, the queen built in her honour the Vihâra Yo-zo-hjo (f. 441 a).
Vijayasata, contemporary of an Arhat Buddhdnanta (sic), built the Zer-ro-hjo Vihâra (f. 441 a-b).
Then Vijaydnanta (sic) built for a female Arhat Dharmapdla (sic), who came from the
Po-len-to Vihâra
Then Vijayasangrdma, also named sen-ge (see p. 24o supra), with his mother Dharma, for whom, as a female Arhat, he built the Dro-mo-hdza Vihara (ff. 441 b-442 a).
Then Vijayasangrdma's younger brother Bre-sa-ya-stu-lag married the Drug-gu queen A-zu-ka-su-ma, and built the Ta-ke-lzjo Vihara (f. 442 a).
Then the wife of king Vijayasangrama, who built the Hgugzan Vihâra [? see above No. (1)1 daughter of king Phrom ge-sar, and another wife, the daughter of (?) Hu-rod ga, being Arhats, by name .ilamata and Go-hu-la-ra (sic), came from Kashmir and became Kalydnamitras of the queen mother Hu-rod, who built for them the Vihâra Ho-ron-hjo (f. 442 a).
(f. 441 b).
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