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0679 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 679 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




  1. Vijayakirti, whose daughter Vi-la-dza ya built for her elder sister, the female Arhat the Vihâra Po-blo-na-jo (f. 442 a).

  2. Vijaya-hzah-la, whose daughter Vi-la phra-ba, wife of the king of the Gu-zin [for Gu-zan ?], built for the bhiksuni Arhat Vijaya the 'Er-mo-no Vihâra (f. 442 a-b).

  3. Vijayapczla built for his wife, who had become an Arhat, the Vihâra Kho-mo-no-no (f. 442 b).

  4. The minister ' A-ma-cag(ca-ga? ca-kha ?, see p. 582,1.22)-meg built the Vihâra Gus-sde-re-ma (f. 442 b).

  5. Vijayajaya having married the daughter of the king of 'O-sku, the queen built for her Kalyanamitra, the female Arhat Gze-ma, the Vihâra 'O-ka-no (f. 442 b).

  6. Vijayasaingrâma built the Vihâra Kus gyi-'or-rayon-nag (f. 442 b).

  7. Vijaya, married to .u-to-ka, daughter of the king of Bcn gun pan (cf. p. 584, 1. 5 from end), built for her elder sister, the female Arhat 'A-so-ko-.ti-la, the Vihâra Gco-lu(?)-na (f. 442 b).

  8. Vijayasimha, married to 'A-lyo-l-jah, the Ga-hjag queen, built for his queen's Kalyânamitra, the female Arhat Bdun gdegs from Sii-lig, the Vihâra Khye-.to-na (ff. 442 b-443 a).

  9. Vijayasaingrâma built at the advice of two bhikgunis, Si-la-ha(ta?) and Hgehu-iu-suga(ya?), from Kashmir, the Vihâra Na-mo-hbu gdoiz (f. 443 a).

  10. A minister Hdah-no ya set up in the lower market a great image, afterwards repaired by the minister A-ma-ca-vi-dad, who also built for the bhiksuni Kon-sed [written Kon-gen] (or bhik§unis of Kon-,fed?) the Vihâra Hdah-no yo-no (f. 443 a).

A. Sum of the Vihâras, &mac. in 'U-then 1 (Khotan), in the Sku-mkhar (= the fortress or capital?) and outside :-

  1. 68 great Vihâras, 95 middle ones, 148 small ones, 3,688 other temples (sgo-sgohi-mchod-pahiIha-khan ?) and minor foundations, chortens, &c.

  2. In a certain year (byi-ba-lo `mouse year' 2) there were io,000 persons of both sexes in the Sanghas (dge-hdun-silos-lztsho).

B. Sum of the Vihâras, &.c. in Mdo-lo and Me-skar :—

T. 4 great Vihâras, over loo other temples, &c. 2. 20 Sanghas.

C. Sum of the Vilzaras, &mec. in Kam-.fed, P1za-n"a, Be-rka-h b(d ?)ra and 'O-sku to Yi-la, in the Sku-mkhar (the fortress, capital?) and outside :-

  1. 23 large Vihâras, 21 middle ones, 23 small, 839 minor foundations.

  2. 438 Sanghas (persons in the Sanghas).

D. Sum of the Vihâras, Sec. from Gyil-kyain to Koh-.fed and Du-rya, in the Sku-mkhar (fortress, capital ?) and outside

I. 15 Vihâras, and a number (not stated) of minor foundations. 2. 963 persons in the Sanghas (f. 443 a-b).

The Li-pd Vyâkarana was composed in accordance with the request of Arya Zla-ba i-sn"iit po (Candragarbha) and Devi Dri-ma-med pahi-lzod (Amalaprabhâ ?) and with the Vyâkara za of Sanghavardhana in the last intercalary month of the autumn of the Khyi (dog) year, 1256 years from the introduction of the Dharma by Vijayasambhava. Its subject is how the Aryas were invited by the kings and Buddhism was taught, how Vihâras and temples were built, and how the Sanghas spread (fol. 444 a).

1 For an etymology of the name 'II-then see S. C. Das,   2 The mouse year is merely the first of the 12 years

op. cit., p. 195, n.   cycle.