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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
THE spelling of Chinese names and terms conforms to Wade's system of transliteration, except in Appendix A, where M. Chavannes has followed the system adopted by the École Française d' Extrême-Orient ; the first occasion on which a Chinese word is given in the original characters is indicated in the Index by printing the number of the page in italics. In the transcription of Sanskrit, Prâkrit, Persian, and Arabic words the system followed is that adopted by the International Congress of Orientalists in 1894. In the case of Turkestan local names, no attempt has been made to restore the original form of any Arabic elements contained in them, but the actual forms heard have been reproduced in phonetic transcription. Where discrepancies have occurred in transcription, the Index is to be taken as a final criterion.
A-che-nai, see A-shih-nai.
A-ksi-ehieh ch'iieh-ssü-chin, see Tu-man.
a-mo-chih, Chinese title of honour, 66, 176 ; used of the kings of Khotan and Kashgar, 176, 266, 523 n.
A-nu-yüeh (Yasin), occupied by the Chinese, 9 ; called Arniah or Arniya by the Dards, 10.
A-pi-so (? proper name), in Chinese record (D. v. 5), .268 n.
A-she yü-shih-to, capital of Chil-wet, 15 n., 16 n. ; (?) the modern Shuisl, xv.
A-shih-nai, name of a scribe, 525. A-souen, see A-sun.
A-sun, woman's name, on Chinese document, 529.
Ab-i-Panja, identified with So-lei, 7 n., 8.
Abâ Bakr, Mirzà, made Yarkand his capital, 43 ; built new citadel at Kashgar, 73 n., made excavations for treasure, 82 n., 87, 226; his flight to Karanghu-tagh, xv, I 30.
abhaya-mudrà attitude, in figure of Buddha, near Gilgit, r 8 ; (Kh. 003. j), 221; (D.1. 11), 245, 288; (D. Ix. 34), 250; (D. H. 74), 250, 293; (A. or, 021), 478 ; (R. i, xii, xiii), 489; (R. xii. x), 493; (R. liv, Iv, lvii, lix, lxi, lxiii), 497.
Abhayapânimudrà, attitude, 18 n.
Abdul Karim, farmer, 418 sq.
Abu'l-Hasan Nag, ruler of Kashgar, x8o, 18x.
Achchik, oasis, 86.
Achma, oasis, 468.
ADDISON, Mr. J. W., xiv.
administration, ancient records of (Niya Site), 321, 3z6, 345, 364 sqq., 370 sqq., 537 sqq.
`adobe', see loess.
Afrasiyab, king of Türan, said to have founded Varshadeh (Tash-kurghan), 37 ; mountain spur near Tash-kurghan, bearing his name, 38.
Afrasiyab, near Samarkand, terra-cotta from, 519.
Ahmad Din, Munshi, 511.
Ahmad Merghen, hunter, 237 ; engaged as guide, 238.
Aiding-Kul, marsh, 226 ; its alleged
origin, 227 ; identified with lake men-
tioned by Haüan-tsang, 227 sq. Aiwàn or hall of Turkestan house, 322,
Ak-Langar, 119.
Ak-sipil (`the White Wall '), construction
of fort, 434, 474 sq. ; antiques said to have come from, 476.
ak-su, ' white water,' flood from melting
snows, 94, 445.
Ak-Tash, river, see Yurung-kash.
Ak-taz (or Tatilik), ancient site, 453 ; finds at, 454, 464 ; called ` K6nsa-
m6ma's town ', 454- ak-liken, shrub, 421.
Ak-tiken, Turdi's name for Kara-dong,
Albérüni, account of Dard valleys, 4.
'Ali Padshah, alleged tomb of the groom of, 225.
Allama, village, 195, 196, 199. Allamutti, Mulla, companion of Muham-
madan saint, 225. alma (apple), 131.
alms-bowl of Buddha, see Buddha,
relics of.
` Alty Shahri Khutan ', designation of
the territory of Khotan, 268.
Amalaka ornament, 257.
Amban, title of district officer, in Chinese
Turkestan, of Khotan, see Pan Darin ; of Keriya, see Huang Daloi.
An-hsi, the present Kuchâ, 8, 28 ;
protectorate of, established, 59 ;
transferred to Kucha, 6o ; re-estab-
lished, 61 ; direct communication
with China interrupted, 63 ; histori-
cal records of it cease, 65 ; Khotan
placed under, 175.
An-kuo, king of Khotan, 168.
An-kuo, king of Su-18, 55.
Anadasena, ramana, mentioned in
Kharothi document, 367.
anadilekha, letters of injunction ' or rescript', 365, 368.
ANDREWS, Mr. F. H., assistance rendered by, xi, 520 ; identifies the scene of the Bodhisattva cutting his hair, 209 n.; identifies rat-headed figure on painted panel (D. iv. 5), 265; on objects from Dandan-Uiliq, 251 n., 252 n., 259 n., 272, 280; on wood-carving from Niya Site, 378, 413; description of antiques, xi, passim.
Angaca, a scribe, mentioned in Kharosthi documents, 326, 366.
angel, soapstone figure (Y. 0026), 217. antiques found, see separate Index of objects found.
Aphrodite, on carnelion intaglio (M. 001. k), 113.
apricot, see ürük.
Arabs, effect of their conquests on the Chinese Empire, 5, 309 ; called Ta-shih (i. e. Tag) by the Chinese, lo; defeat Kao Hsien-chih, xi, 63 ; serve in Chinese army, 63.
arbours, ancient (Niya Site), 337.
Arhats, legends of Arhats in Sarikol, 39 ; legend of an Arhat near Wu-sha, 45; in the district of Karghalik, 91 ; in Kashmir, 118, 164 ; at Mount Gogrnga, 186 ; at So-mo-jê, 223 ; at Ho-lao-lo-chia, 455 ; in Khotan, 582 sq. See also Vairocana.
armour, details of ancient, in stucco relief (D. 11), xvi, 252 ; fragment of scale armour of leather (N. xv. 005), xvi, 374, 411.
Arik-aghzi, ` mouth of the canal,' 418. Ariks (canals), of the irrigation system
in Kashgar, 75 ; of ` old Ponak ', 458 ;
of Ak-sipil, 474.
Arikh-Mazar (` the Mazàr of the Crossways'), 453.
Arka-kuduk-Tim (` the Mound of the Back Well), ruined stûpa, 471. Arkalik, belt of sand, 472.
Arniah or Arniya, name given to Yasin by the Dards, lo.
arrow-heads, iron (K. oor. b, K. 002. n.),
447, 45r, 452. See also bronze
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