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0697 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 697 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




plate (E. 003. c), 442 ; (K. oor. a, 002), 451 ; relief (H. 003), 473; rings (D.(T.) 00 I. e), 303 ; (N. 0012. e, d, e, 0014. f, g, 0015, 0016), 38r, 415; (N. ooro), 414; (N. 0020. d),

416 ;



464 ;

005), (D.K.

442 ;   (D.K.



461,   464 ;

(D.K. 005), 461, 465; (H. I), 471,

473 ; (H. 001. h, i), 471, 473 ; seals, see seals, bronze ; spoons

(D.(T.) oor. a, b), 303 ; (N. 0014.

h), 415 ; stud (H. oor. c), 473 ; style (D.(T.) cox. g), 303 ; (H. oor.

a), 473 ; tag (E. 003. a), 438, 442 ; tweezers (D.(T.) oor. f), 303 ; un-

identified objects (N. 007), 414 ;

(N. 0013), 415; (E. 003. d), 442; (L. oor), 465; weight (Y. 003),


broom (D. I1. oII), 251, 294; (N. x.

07), 337, 399.

Broussonelia papyr:fera or Paper mul-

berry-tree, paper made of its bark,


Buddha, legends of: teaches the right

way of venerating relics, 83 ; legend of his visit to Li-yul, 159 sq., x86, 190, 584 ; to Mt. Gosrnga, 185, 186, 584 sq. ; an image from heaven gives a ghantä to the king of Khotan, 231 ; Rähula appears in the form of

B., ib. ; Vairocana assumes the form of B., 232.

relics of : his dress, sent by the king of Su-18 to the Chinese Emperor, 58 ; his alms-bowl (pâtra) and spittoon in Käshgar, 67, 68 ; his alms-bowl in Purusapura, 68 ; and elsewhere, 69 n. ; a tooth at Chieh-ch`a, 69.

rock-carved relief, in Gilgit, 18.

in Khotan art : type of statues in Gandhara and Khotan sculpture, 18 ; representation of birth of Buddha (Kh. 005), 209, 221 sq. ; of his temptation by Mära (B.D. oor. a), 209, 219 ; in frescoes : Dandän-

Uiliq, 255, 259, 273, 274; Rawak
Vihära, 492 ; on painted panel (D.

Iv. 4), 265, 296 ; (D. vr. 4), 274,
297 ; head, painted on beam (in

E. ii), 431 ; soapstone figure (Y. 0029), 217 ; reliefs in slate-stone (B.D. 001. a), 209, 219 ; (Kh. 003. g), 209, 220; (Kb. 005), 209, 221 sq. ; stucco images (D. II), 246, 250 ; stucco reliefs, type of, at Dandan-Uiliq and Rawak, r8 ; (D. r. Ir), 245, 288; (D.(T.) 04, 05, o8, 09, o r o), 302; at Kighillik, 477, 478, 479 sqq•;

Rawak Vihära, 489, 491 sqq., 503 sqq.

statues mentioned in literature : in

convent at Chieh-p`an-Co, 37 ; miraculous statue at Po-ch`ieh-i, 118 ; statue of jade, brought from Khotan, mentioned in Annals of the Liang


Dynasty, 170 ; statue on Mount Gosrnga, 185 ; statue seen by Hsüantsang near Khotan, 225 ; at P`i-mo, 445, 490 n., (Sung Yün's Han-mo), 456, 463 ; Udayana's Buddha statue, 490, 497 ; miracle-working statues mentioned in the Gosrnga Vyäkarana, 584 sq. See also Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

` Buddha, hall of the red,' see Ch'ih-fot'ang.

Buddhagosa, mentioned in Kharosthi document, 367.

Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, stucco statues near Turfän, 84 ; figures in bronze, 210 ; sculptured figures from Khotan, 209, 220, 221; frescoes in D. r, Dandan-Uiliq, 244 ; in D. II, 248 ; in D. xrr, 263 ; stucco reliefs, D. r, 244; (D.(T.) 05), 245, 302 ; (D. H. 09), 294; chunam, 249, 291 sqq.; painted on wooden post (D. r. 04), 244, 290 ; on painted panel (D. vr. 3), 274, 297 ; stucco images (Endere), 424 ; frescoes, ib., 430 ; stucco reliefs (Rawak), 486, 499.

Buddhism, in Chieh-p`an-t`o, 33, 37 ; in Wu-sha, 42; introduced into Kashgar, 56 ; in Kashgar at the time of Hsüantsang's visit, 70 ; at Chê-chü-chia, 90, 91 ; at Tzü-ho, 92 ; at Chu-chü, 93 ; Buddhist sacred sites marked by Muhammadan Ziärats, 121, 122, 189 ; introductionof Buddhism into Khotan, posterior to the immigration of the Indian colony, 158, 163, 164 ; date of the introduction of Buddhism into Khotan, 164, 232 ; in Khotan, at the time of Fa-hsien's visit, 139, 169 ; under the Liang Dynasty, 170; according to the Pei shih, 171 ; according to Tang Annals, 172 ; according to Hsüan-tsang, r 74 ; under Posterior Han Dynasty, 179 ; Buddhist monks sent from Khotan on embassies to China, 180, 182 ; disappearance of Buddhism from Khotan, 180, 182 ; in documents from Niya Site, 367. See also Arhats, Buddha, Hinayäna, local worship, Mahayana, Sanghärämas, Stüpas.

Buddhist architecture, the trefoil arch in, 18 ; of Th61 Stupa, 20 ; use of leaf-gold, 194.

Buddhist canonical texts, found (Dandan-Uiliq), 257, 265, 266, 274, 295, 296, 297 ; (Endere), 422, 424 sq.,


Buddhist iconography, at Dandän-Uiliq, 253 ; under the influence of Persian art, 280; at Rawak Vihära, 494 sq. See also Bodhisattvas, Buddha, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Buddhist monks, in ancient Khotan, as money-lenders, 275 sq., 526, 529. Buddhist pilgrims, see Chih-mêng,

Dharmacandra, Dharmagupta, Fahsien, Fa-yung, Hsüan-tsang, Huishêng, Jinagupta, Kumärajiva, Sung Yün, Tao-yo, Tao-yuan, Wu-k`ung.

Buddhist sculpture, evidences of late workmanship in, r8 ; acquired in Khotan, 209, 219 sqq. See slate (sculptured).

Buddhist shrines, at Dandan-Uiliq, 243 sq., 256 sq. ; at Kighillik, 477 sqq. ; replaced by Muhammadan shrines, see local worship.

Bl1HLER, Professor G., v, vi.

Buräns', desert storms, effect of, 107, 484.

Burhänuddin-Pädshähim, see Sayyid.

Burisheski, language of Hunza, 19.

BUSHELL, Dr. S. W., assistance rendered by, xiii ; on Chinese coins purchased at Yôtkan, 204 sqq., 575 sqq. ; on Chinese record from Dandan-Uiliq (D. v. 5), 268 ; on Chinese inscription (D. 002), 309 ; on Chinese documents from Niya Site, 370 ; on Chinese coin (? Niya Site), :6., n. ; on Chinese coins found or purchased at various sites, 575 sqq.

Cachemire, see Kashmir.

Caitya, of Gomasälagandha, 186, 189, 584, 585 ; the Hgum-stir Caitya, 223 ; of Ma-dza, 230 ; of Tsar-ma, 232, 585 ; the Kasyapa Caitya on Mt. Gosrnga, 584.

Calmadana, identified with Hstiantsang's Chih-mo-fo-na, 31 I n. ; identified with Charchan, ib. ; mentioned in tablet N. i. 16, ib., 326.

camel, Bactrian, terra-cotta (Yôtkan), 212, 215 ; (Khotan town), 219 ; fresco (Dandan-Uiliq), 248 ; painted panel (D. vii. 5), 278, 298 ; coloured sketch (E. i. 19. a), 429, 438.

canal, ancient (Niya Site), 380. See also irrigation.

Candräpiga (Chên-t`o-lo-pi-li), king of Kashmir, r 3.

CANNAN, Mr. C., xiv.

`Cansanghi Cascio',1.e.Inn sang-i-kash, jade-quarry, mentioned by Goëz,

132 n.

cara (or caraka), secret agent ', 366. carbuncle intaglios (Y. oo8. a, b), 2 r r ; (I. ooi), 220.

carnelion intaglios, Aphrodite (M. oor,

k), 113 ; head of wolf or bear (Y.

005), 210; (B.D. oor. f), 219.
carpet, woollen (N. x. r), 337, 398.

` Cascar ', Marco Polo's name for Käsh-

gar, 49 n. See Käshgar.

cave, sacred, Kohmari hill, 187 sq.

celestial god ' (Ormazd), 7 r.   See
Zoroastrian religion.

cemeteries in Khotan, their low level,' 97. cereals, ancient, found at Kara-dong, 448
