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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
fences of rushes (Niya Site), 337. fig-leaf, see vine-leaf.
Figures, described or referred to, in the text, I, 18; 2, 20 n.; 3, 4,
20 ; 5, 144 n. ; 7, 18 n., 32 ; 8,
18 n., 22 ; 9, To, 36 ; II, 12, 46 ;
13, 81; 14, 75 n., 76; 15, 90; i6, 197 n.; 17, 85; 18, I12; 1g, 116; 22, 23, 144 n. ; 25, 187 ; 26, 27, 195; 28, 245 ; 29, 246; 30, 251; 31, 249, 250; 32, 256, 257; 33, 257, 258 ; 34, 35, 264 ; 36, 31o; 37, 316, 322, 327; 38, 339; 39, 327, 3z8 ; 40, 327, 330, 337 ; 41, 317, 327, 330, 331 ; 42, 330, 331; 43, 330 ; 44, 327, 340 ; 45, 340, 341, 344; 45.a, 349; 46, 327, 379; 47, 378; 48, 431, 432 n•, 434; 49, 422, 423 ; 50, 421 ; 51, 433, 434, 437 ; 52, 446, 447 ; 53, 446, 447, 448 ; 54, 471; 55, 458 ; 56, 464;
57, 474, 475 ; 58, 474, 475 n.; 59,
485, 486 ; 6o, 483, 485, 486 n. ;
61, 246, 423, 487, 489, 490 ; 62,
487, 489, 492; 63, 244, 478, 487,
489, 492, 493 ; 64, 244, 478, 487,
489, 493; 65, 487, 497 ; 66, 487,
498, 499; 67, 495; 68, 18 n., 487,
497 ; 69, 18 n., 487, 489, 490, 491 ;
71, 509.
figurines, see terra-cotta.
fire-places, ancient (Dandân-Ui1iq), 258, 275 ; (Niya Site), 316, 323, 328, 331,
332, 333 ; (Endere), 431, 432, 433. flint, from Chalma-kazân, 235 ; flake
(N. 003), 381, 414 ; (D.K. 003. i),
Fo ti-tzû (` The Disciple of Buddha '), in
Chinese inscription, 309.
fodder, ancient, Dandân-Uiliq, 282. forging of old books ' at Khotan, see Islam Akhün.
fortifications, ancient, at Endere, 433 sq. ; at Ulùgh-Ziarat, 462 ; at Ak-
sipil, 474 sq.
FOUCHER, M. A., on the legend of the
Bodhisattva (Buddha) cutting his hair, 209, 220 ; on the Stupa of the turned-up pâtra, 231.
Four Garrisons,' now Chinese Turkestan, meaning of the term, 7 n., 60; occupied by the Tibetans, 61 ; recovered by the Chinese, ib. ; under Hsüan-tsung, 62 ; end of Chinese occupation of, 64 sq., 177, 284, 534 sqq. ; Wu-k'ung's visit, 64, 177 ; include Chu-chu-pan, 93 ; Khotan made one of the, i75 ; mentioned in Chinese sgraffito (Endere), 428, 546.
FRANCKE, Rev. A. H., assistance rendered by, xiii, 548; on Tibetan poems from the T'eg-mc'og-mdzod, 426 sq., 561 sqq. ; on Tibetan sgraffiti, 429, 432, 566 sqq.
FRANKE, Dr. O., on Chinese etymologies of Kâshgar, 49.
frescoes, Dandan-Uiliq, 244, 247 sq., 253 sqq., z63, 273 sq., 283, 291, 303 ; Niya Site, 333 ; Endere, 424, 440 sq., 430 ; Rawak Vihâra, 492.
frit, porcelanous, bead (N. 005. b), 381, 414 ; seal (N. 0018), 381, 416.
fruit-trees, ancient, see orchards.
Fu, Chinese officer, mentioned in docu-
ments (N. xv. 37, 315), 539. Fu-shih-chan, king of Khotan, 176. Fu-tu Hsin, king of Khotan, 175. Fu-tu Hsiung, king of Khotan, 176. Fu-tu Ta, king of Khotan, 176.
Galcha dialects, connected with language of documents found at Dandan-Uiliq, 271.
Galcha stock, includes the Tâjiks of Sarikol, 25 ; its early extension eastwards, 26 ; affinity to the Pakhpos, 26, 145 ; to the Khotanese, 144, 145.
Gandhâra or Chien-t`o-lo (present Peshawar District), 2 ; miniature stone carvings from, brought to Khotan, 209 ; art of, its influence on Khotan art : in pictures, 254, 255 ; in sculpture and stucco reliefs, 209,
p. 0029) 217, (Kh. 003. g) 220, Kh. 003. h, i, q, oo5) 221, (Mac. ooi) 207, 222; Dandân-Uiliq, 245, 25o ; Endere, 423 ; Rawak Vihara, 490, 491, 494, 495, 500 ; treatment of the hair and representation of armour, 252 ; conventional ornamentation (Niya Site), 315, 333, 334, 377, 378, 413 ; (J. ooi), 506. See also Graeco-Buddhist art, Indian influence.
Gandharvi, terra-cotta appliqué moulding (Y. 0023), 216 ; (B. oor. d), 218; (Kh. 003. b), 220; (Mac. ooI), 222 ; (D.(T.) 01, 02, 03), 245, 302; (D. 1. no), 245, 290 ; (D. 1. 014), 245, 291 ; (D. 1. 18), 245, 288 ; (D. x. 43), 245, 289 ; (D. t 89, 90), 245, 290 ; (D. H. 79), 251, 293 ; (D. x1I. x, 2, 3, 5), 263, 302 ; (D. v1. 5), 274, 297 ; (D. I. r to), 29o.
Ganea, on bronze panel (Kh. 007), 222 ; painted panel (D. 11. 16), 251, 292 ; (E. ii. I), 431, 442.
GARDNER, Professor Percy, assistance rendered by, xiii ; on intaglio (M. 001. k) from Togujai, 113 ; on cut stones from Yôtkan, 210 ; on bronze weight, ib. ; on inscription on clay seal (N. xv. 24), 355.
garnet intaglios, from Yôtkan, 210, 211. ` Gate of reeds ', see Wei-kuan.
geese, in fresco (Endere), 431.
Gez defile, the Chinese Chien-mo, 27. ghantit (bell), miraculously given to king of Khotan, 231, 232.
Ghâzi Shaikh, 445.
gilding of Buddhist sacred objects, see gold.
Gilem-kul, marsh, 444.
Gilgit river, called So-yi by the Chinese, I O.
Gilgit, routes from Kashmir, to, 2 ; unknown to Kalhana, 4 ; mentioned by
Alberüni, ib. ; Chinese historical rela-
tions with, 5 sqq. ; called Little P`o-lü
by the Chinese, 6; occupied by the
Tibetans, 7; dependence for supplies on Kashmir, 11 sq. ; Chinese expedition into, assisted by Muktâpida, 13 ; rock-carved relief of Buddha, 17, i 8 ; ancient water-conduit, 19 ; ancient mounds, ib. See also P'o-lü, Little.
` Gilgit Transport Road', 2 ; antiquity of the route, x ; construction of, 12. Glah-ru, see GoSrilga.
glass, beads (D. R. 002), 304, 306 ; (N. xv. ooi. h), 41I ; (N. o010. 0011. c), 414 ; (N. 0020. a, 0022), 381, 416 ; (E. 005), 442 ; (K. 001. e), 451; (H. ooi. e, f), 473 ; charm (Y. 002. b. iii), 210 ; jewels (D. K.
004), 454, 464 ; (D.K. 002. g), 464;
moulded (C. 002. b), 235 ; (D.R.
004), 306 ; (D.K. 002. f), 464 ; seal
(N. oo6), 381, 414 ; vessels, frag-
ments (T.M. ooi. e), found at Togu-
jai, 113 ; vases brought from Khotan,
mentioned in Annals of the Liang
Dynasty, 170 ; fragments (D.(T.)
ooi. d), 303; (D.R. ooi), 304, 3o6; (N. xv. oo1. b-g), 373, 410 sq. ; (N. 0019), 381, 416 ; (E. 002, 003), 438, 442 ; (K. 002. j), 447, 452.
GODFREY, Captain S. H., purchases MSS., 27o.
Goëz, Benedict, route through Sarikol, 4o, 42 ; account of Hiarchan (Yarkand), 88 ; on Khotan jade, 133 ; on route from Khotan to China, 184.
goitre, prevalent in Yarkand, 87.
gold, digging and washing for gold at Yôtkan, 192, 193; at Tam-Oghil,
472 sq. ; use of leaf-gold on Buddhist buildings and sacred objects, 194, 224, 496; on stucco (D.R. 003), 304, 306 ; at Kighillik, 479, 481 ; at Rawak (R. xxix), 496, 504.
gold objects found : monkey, at
Yôtkan, 194, 210 ; ornament (N. 0017), 3$1, 415; split ring (R. 003), 5o6.
Gomasâlagandha, Buddhist saint, 186, 189, 584.
Gomati, old name of the Kara-kâsh river, 169 ; monastery mentioned by Fa-hsien,
GORE, Col. St. George, vi.
Goiirsa (cow's head) mountain, see Go§raga.
Go§rnga, Mount (Chinese Ch`ü-shihling-ch'ieh, `the cow's horn', Tibetan
Glair-ru ; now Kohmâri), identical
with Mount GosirYa (Goçircha),
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