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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
description of Sarikol, 33 ; of its royal family, 34 ; of buildings in the capital, 37 ; and of sacred sites in Sarikol, 39 ; route from Sarikol to Kashgar, 42 sqq.; account of Wu-sha, 42, 88; account of Käshgar, 69 sq. ; on Stûpa construction, 83 ; account of Chê-chü-chia, 89 sq. ; itinerary from Kashgar to Chê-chü-chia, 89 n. ; route from Chê-chü-chia to Ch`ü-satan-na, 98 sq. ; his legend of the sacred rats, 120 sq., 264 sq. ; account of the Khotanese, 139, 14 r, 174 ; alludes to Khotan chronicles, 152 ; legend of the origin of Khotan, 156 sq. ; his preference for easy marches, x 73 n. ; his stay in, and description of, Khotan, 173 sq.; account of Mount GoSrnga, 185 sq. ; his convent of So-mo-jê identified, 194 n., 223 sq. ; account of buildings in and near capital of Khotan, 202, 223 sqq. ; legend of the Nägini of the drum-lake', 227 sq.; legend of the Lu-shê convent and the introduction of sericulture into Khotan, 229, 259; account of the introduction of Buddhism into Khotan, 231 ; errors in estimate of distances, 235 ; account of Ni-jang, 31x, 435 ; of Tu-huo-lo, 435 ; of Pi-mo, 455.
Hsüan-tsung, Chinese Emperor, efforts against the Tibetans, 5, 7 ; constitutes Little P`o-lü a military territory, 7 ; extension of Chinese authority in his reign, 62 sq., 428 ; abdicates, 63.
Hsüan-ying, Buddhist monk, 277, 531.
Hu-kuo convent, records from, 273 sqq., 526, 529 ; meaning of the name, 277, 526 n.
Hu-lor, Naga king, 232.
Hu-mi or Wakhän, mentioned in the Tang Annals, 7, 8 ; by Wu-kung, 16 n.
Hu.then, t6o. See U-then.
Huan-na, Chinese name of Khotan, 153 ; perhaps a local pronunciation, 154. See Khotan.
Huang Daloi, Amban of Keriya, assistance rendered by, vii, 310, 444, 452, 466.
Huang-kuang-ta, Tao-tai of Kashgar,
Huei-ho, or Uigurs, 534, 535, 536. See Uigurs.
Hui-shêng, Buddhist pilgrim, route through Shê-mi, 14 ; on the language of Chu-chü-po, 90 sq. ; on Buddhism in Chu-chü-po, 92 sq.; on Khotan, 171.
Hui-ta, Buddhist monk, 532.
Hui-yün, Buddhist monk, 532.
human remains found at Tüga-dong, 466. Huns, White, see Hephthalites.
Hunza, characteristics of, 19 ; mountain tracks in, 20.
Huo-tan, name of Khotan used by the Hu (the people of Central Asia), 153, 154. See also Khotan.
I, also called Nu', mentioned in Chinese documents (N. xv. o8, 192), 372, 540.
I-fa, Buddhist monk, 277, 531.
I- kan-ch`i, village near Yarkand city, 87 n.
I-kuan, river, 97.
I-nai, in kingdom of Chu-chu-pan, 91, 92.
I-ta, see Hephthalites.
ibex, carved (N. xx. or), 377, 413. Ibrahim, villager from Niya, 312, 316,
320, 339.
Ibrahim Âkhün, Darôgha, from Keriya, 316, 444, 466, 472.
Ibrahim Mulla, forger of MSS., 508, 510 sq.
Ibrahim, Mulla, of Halal-bägh, 226. ice-pit at Niya Site, 329.
Ilchi, name of the modern town of Khotan, 137, 522 n.; also name of a canton, 131 n.; (?) connected with Li-yul, 155 ; earliest mention of, ib. n.; possible original use of the name, 156 n.
Imam Ja'far Sädiq, Mazär and legend of, 313.
Imam-Mnsä-Qäsim's Mazär, 233. Imam Shäkir Pädshäh, killed at KaptarMazär, 119, I2I.
India, Chinese relations with north-west confines of, 5 ; said to adjoin the kingdom of Pi-shan, ro3; the Hindus said to have called Khotan Ch`u-tan, 153, 154; legend of an Indian immigration into Khotan, as told by Hsüan-tsang, r 56 sqq. ; in the `Annals of Li-yul', 160 sqq., 581 sq. ; early use of an Indian language in Khotan, 163 ; date of supposed Indian immigration into Khotan, z 64 ; racial traces of Indian immigration, 165.
India, Government of, acquires Central-Asian antiquities, v ; sanctions Stein's expedition, vi ; and his deputation to England to elaborate results, x.
Indian Buddhist pilgrims, see Dharmacandra, Dharmagupta, Jinagupta, Kumarajiva.
Indian influence on literature and writing of Khotan, viii, 174; Indian motives in appliqui pottery ornaments (Yôtkan), 207 ; in intaglios, 209 ; in frescoes (Dandan-Uiliq), 255 ; in painted panels, 278, 279 ; in rug (N. vii. 3), 334 ; on chairs (N. vii. 4), 334 ; (N. xii. 3), 336. See also Gandhära, Graeco-Buddhist.
Indo-Scythian barbarian, referred to in
Chinese document (N. xv. 53), 372. Indo-Scythian coins, found at Yôtkan,
Indo-Scythic type, in intaglio (Y. oo8. b),
2I0, 211 ; (I. 001), 220.
ink, Chinese, piece found at Endere site (E. oot. a), 438, 442.
ink, on Kharosthi and Chinese tablets,
inscribed wooden tablets, see tablets. inscriptions, in Brähmi characters, 248 ; Chinese and Tibetan, see sgraffiti. intaglios, see seals.
Iran, intaglios from, found at Yôtkan, 209.
Iranian dialect, spoken in Sarikol, 25, 26, 91 ; in ancient Karghalik and Khotan, 90 sq.
Iranian influences, in Sarikol, 25, 26, 38 ; in paintings (Dandan-Uiliq), 26o; on names in Kharosthi documents (Niya Site), 366. See also Persian.
Iranian (Eastern) ` unknown language
(Dandan-Uiliq), inscriptions, below frescoes (D. II. 08), 248; in MSS. (D. III. I2), 257, 295 ; (D. iv. 6), 265, 296 ; (D. v. 8), 269, 297 ; (D. vi. 2), 274, 297 ; (D. vI. 6), 274, 297 ; (D. (T.) 017), 283, 303; (D. (T.) or 8), 303; on wooden beam (D. x. 6),
262, 301 ; on wooden tablets (D. v.4), 269, 296.
3, (Rawak), on wooden tablet (D.R.
01, 02), 305, 306.
Irik-aghzi, see Arik-aghzi.
Irkeshtam, identified with Ptolemy's
°pp; /T fxoV, 55, 518.
iron arrow-head (?), (K. cot. b), 451 ; (K. 002. n), 452 ; buckle (N. 008),
381, 414•
irrigation, near Käshgar, 75; at Gùma and Mokuila, too ; difficulties of irrigation in oases east of Khotan, 96, i 15, 125, 383, 384 ; facilities for the irrigation of the Khotan oasis, I 26 ; its administrative divisions conform to the canal-system, x3 1 ; irrigation of Domoko oasis, 459.
irrigation, silt-deposits from, see silt-deposits.
irrigation works, ancient, at Kergah Nullah, '9 ; at Dandan-Uiliq, 285 ; at Ak-sipil, 474•
Islam, established at Käshgar, 65 ; introduced into Khotan, x r 9, 12 t, 138, 181 ; Ziärats on old Buddhist sites, 12 I, 14o n. ; Islam in modern Khotan, 140. See also local worship, Mazärs, Ziärats.
Islam tlkhün, treasure-seeker, his ` find-places', too sq., 102 ; his ` old books ', 108 n.; Ak-sipil, said to be one of his ` find-places ', 474, 475 n. ; his forgeries, 507 sqq.; arrested, 509 ; cross-examined, ib.; confesses, 510; describes his methods, 512 ; his previous punishments, 5x 3.
Islam Beg, Darôgha, 5z 4, 516.
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