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0712 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 712 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




Sh8-mi, mentioned by Buddhist pilgrims, 14 ; identified with Kafaristan,


sheep-dung, cakes of, as building material, 433•

Shêng, king of Khotan, 177.

shield of willow-wood, section of, 332. Shighnan, ` the kingdom of the five Shih-ni,' 8.

Shignis, slave-hunters, 24.

Shih-hu (Chavannes, Che-hou, Beal, Yeh-

hu), a transcription of the Turkish title Jabgu, 58 n.; Hsüan-tsang's ` Shih-hu, the Kagan of the Turks', identified, 59 n. ; used of Khotan princes, x 75, 177.

Chinese etymology of

Su-16, 50.

Shih-li-mang-ch'ieh-lo, ruler of T`u-ho-lo, letter to the Chinese Emperor, I r, 13. Shih-ni, see Shighnan.

Shih-tzü, (?) king of Khotan, 525 ; (?)

Chinese for the name Arslan, ib. n. Shiltäs, Albérüni's name for Childs, 4. Shingun river, 36.

Shinkari, the Indus Köhistan, 17. Shirtn, a lady of Varshadeh, legend of, 38.

Shitala Darya, 444.

Shitala Padshähim, Mazär, 444•

Shivul, river, 453.

shoe, hemp (D. v. r x), found at DandänUiliq, 272, 297, 372 ; referred to in Chinese document (N. xv. 02), 372, 540.

Shou-pa, river, 171. See Yurung-kash. Shu-chih, river, 171. See Yurung-kash. Shu-1ê, see Su-18.

Shu-p`o, governor of Khotan, 168. Shuisl, see A-shêyil-shih-!o.

SShulik, Tibetan name of Kashgar, 5o. Si-kiu-pan, 91 n. See Hsi-chü-pan. Si-shan, see ` city of the Western moun-


Si-to river, 27. See Hsi-to.

Si-ye, 91 n. See Hsi-yeh.

Siah-posh or ` Kafir' tribes, extent of, 15. sil, torrent beds, 1 oo.

Sili, an official, mentioned in Kharosthi documents, 326, 366.

silk fabrics, found at Dandan-Uiliq (D.

V. 12), 297 ; at Niya Site (N. xv. oII), 373, 410; at Endere, 43o, 441.

silk industry in Khotan, 133, x34.

silkworms introduced into Khotan, 229 sq.

silt-deposits from irrigation, at Kurghän-

Tim, 75 ; at Kizil-Debe, 78; at Yötkan,

196 sq. ; near At-bashi, 238. Silzibul, see Istämi.

Simhasana' (lion's throne), 249.

Sin Li-tchouan, see Hsin Li-ch`an.

sindüra or sandal-ointment marks on painted panels (D. iv. 5), 296 ; (D. x. 4), 26o, 300; on tablets (N. iv. 109), 393.

Sino-Kharosthi coins, fromYötkan, 204,

575, 576 ; from Chalma-kazan, 576 ; from Hanguya Tati, 471, 578 ; from

Ak-sipil, 476, 578 ; from Mazar-

Tagh, 579.

Sipa, canton of Khotan, 131 n. sq.

` Sipil ', or fortification, near UltighZiarat, 462.

Sita, river, see Hsi-to.

Sitaka, name, in Kharosthi documents, 365 n., 366.

sitar, terra-cotta human figures (Yötkan), playing, 216 ; (Afrasiyab). 519 ; terracotta monkeys (Yötkan), playing, 207,

  1. 212, 213, 214.

Six Cities ', the territory of Khotan, 266, 267 sq., 522 H.

Sizütke, lake, 444.

sketches, coloured, found at Endere,

429, 438 sq.

slag, at Topa-Tim, 106; at Togujai, n4.

slate, sculptured, from Khotan (B. D. oo1. a), 209, 219 ; (Kh. 003. g), 209, 220 ; (Kh. 003. i), 221 ; (Kb. 005),

  1. 22I.

slips, Chinese wooden (Niya site), 338,

343, 358 sqq., 370 sqq.; resemblance to bamboo slips, 358 sq.

SMITH, Mr. Cecil, on clay seal of Athene,


SMITH, Mr. Vincent A., xiv.

So-ch. ê (Sha-keu), now Yarkand, 88 ; in Later Han Annals, 167, 168. See Yarkand.

So-khiu, So-kiü, So-kä,88. SeeYarkand. So-lei, river, identified with Ab-i-Panja, 8. So-lei, town in Wakhan, 7.

So-mo-j6, convent, 223. See Somiya. So-yi, river, bridge over, 9 ; now the main Gilgit river, no.

soapstone figures, angel (Y. 0026), 217 ; Buddha (Y. 0029), 217 ; standing figure (Kh. oo6), 222.

Soghd (K`ang- kiu), under the Tsin

dynasty, 545.

Sök or Sz`, Central-Asian tribe, identified

with the Sacae and the Sakas, 52 ;

occupy Kashgar, 53.

Somiya, village, probably site of Hsüan-

tsang's convent of So-mo-j6 and ` the King's New Monastery' described by

Fa-hsien, 194 n., 223-5, 311 n.; tradition of the present mound, 224

sq.; the name Somiya, 225. Somjaka, Cojhbo, an official, mentioned in Kharosthi documents, 346, 350,

351, 365 n., 366.

Sothamga, title, in Kharothi documents,

3z6, 351, 366.

Sou Kia-yi, see Su Chia-i.

Sou-le, see Su-16.

Sou Men-ti, see Su Mên-ti.

spear (?), shaft of (N. viii. 5), 331, 397.

spindles (N. x. 9. c and ox), 336, 398. spittoon of Buddha, see Buddha, relics of.

spoon, horn (N. xv. oox. i), 374, 411.

Sramanas, mentioned in Kharosthi documents (Niya Site), 365 n., 367, , 375.

Srimahadevi, in the Tibetan legend of Khotan, 161.

Srinagar, legend of its foundation, 159. Srog-mkhar (` Life-fort '), 223.

Sseu-lio, see SA-Web.

ssü-chu or viharasvamin, in Buddhist monastery, 276, 532.

Ssü-lüeh, Chinese petitioner, 266, 525sq. ` stationery ', found at Niya Site, see ` wooden stationery'.

statues, see Bodhisattvas, Buddha, Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, stucco.

steatite carvings (Y. 0027. b), 217 ; (B.D.00r.1), 220; (Kh.003. p, q), 22I. sthavira, see shang-tso.

stick, ancient (N. vii. 2), 332, 397 ; walking-stick (N. viii. 6), 332, 398. sticks, eating (N. x. 06), 336, 399.

` Stone Tower ', mentioned by Ptolemy,

54 ; conjectured locations, ib. n. slovana, technical term, in Kharosthi

documents, 368.

straw, ancient (Niya Site), see wheat-straw.

string, on wooden tablets (Niya Site), 318, 319, 348 ; method of fastening, 349 sq., 352.

string-hole, in MSS. (Dandan-Uiliq), 256,258 ; in wooden tablets (DandanUiliq), 269 ; (Niya Site), 318, 320, 323 sq., 335, 348 ; in wooden slip (N. x. 9. c), 360; (Endere) (E. i. 2), 424, 44o (Note xxiii); (E. i. 24, (Sec.), 426.

Strirajya, see ` Land of the Women'.

stucco : appli'ue' ornaments, 244 ; fragments, Dandan-Uiliq, 291, 302, 303 ; Endere, 441 ; Kara-döbe, 515, 516 ; images, Dandan-Uiliq (D. u), 246, 25o; Endere, 422 sq., 440 sq.; reliefs, of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, 244 ; chemical analysis of the stucco, 244, 586 sq. ; statue of Buddha (?) at Dandan-Uiliq, 246 ; of Gandharvi (D. vi. 5), 274, 297 ; fragments from Dandan-Uiliq, 288 sqq., 302 sq.; fragment (gilt) from Rawak (D.R. 003), 304, 306 ; fragments from Endere, 44o, 441 ; from Kighillik, 477 sq., 479 sqq.; in Rawak Vihara court, 486 sqq.

Stûpas, probably represented by ancient mounds at Gilgit, 19 ; Stupa, built by Moka Raja at Sarikol, 37 ; S. ` of a wonderful and mysterious construction ', near Wu-sha, mentioned by Hsüan-tsang, 45 ; possibly the peak of Murtägh-Ata, 46 ; S. enclosing Buddha's tooth, 69 ; and alms-bowl, 69 n.; orientation and central shaft or chamber of Stûpas in Chinese Turkestan, 81 sq.; spoliation of, 82, 339 ; architectural type of Turkestan Stûpas, 83 ; traditional account of