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0507 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 507 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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At top is width of red silk (selvedge to selvedge I' I length 4'), on which are traced flower-sprays, etc., almost effaced. Below are two strips of dark blue silk, made here of separaie pieces with selvedges on inside and seam on outside, and broken into several lengths. Bodhisattvas on a large scale, each fig. occupying over 4' in length. They stand straight, facing spectator or to R. and L. ; majority have their hands in adoration, and dress and coiffure of semi-Indian type of *Ch. oo88, etc. One carries a pennon on long pole.

Length (of double fr. with head-piece) 16 ft. ; (of single strips) 32 ft., II ft., 6 ft., 5 ft. Width of strips 1 r a" and I Iâ".

Ch. 00476. Roll of silk covered with traced figs. of seated Buddhas ; like preceding and Ch. xxiv. oo8, but one strip only, without trace of head-piece and uninscr. Ten Buddhas preserved, seated with legs interlocked on successive flowers of ascending lotus plant ; hands generally one in vilarka-mudrâ, one below it holding lotus bud, or in adoration. Yellow silk, slightly glazed, unevenly dyed, traced on one side only. Good condition. Length c. 18', width 7r".

Ch. 00477. Fr. of silk roll traced' with seated Buddhas ; like preceding and Ch. xxiv. oo8 ; but one strip only, on small scale, uninscr., and without trace of head-piece. Upper end blank ; R. edge selvedge, L. torn. Thin yellow silk, unevenly dyed, and traced in black on one side only. Five Buddhas preserved, seated in meditation on Padmâsanas, occupying c. 7" each of length. Fair condition. Length 5', width 7".

Ch. 00478. a—b. Two frs. of silk showing part of traced Bodhisattva. Upper half only of coiffure preserved, with segment of halo, cartouche for inscr., and draped valance of canopy above. Smaller fr. has continuation of canopy. Fig. evidently was about life-size. Silk bright yellow ; tracing in thick black lines on both sides. Gr. fr. (a) I' roy X II".

Ch. 00479. Four lengths of silk, thin buff, traced with large scroll pattern in black. Tracing one side only. Gr. fr. 5' 6" x 7".

Ch. 00480. Two lengths of silk, dark and light blue, joined, traced each side with large scroll pattern in yellow, and (at end of light blue piece) standing Bodhfsallva with hands in adoration. Tracing much gone, and silk broken, especially the light blue. 13 ft. x 1 ft.

Ch. bo481. Two frs. of silk brocade, woven with single warp and double weft ; cf. Ch. oo 17o, etc. Warp : a fine light green twisted yarn, forming surface of ground, which is woven in small twill. Weft: a broader untwisted yarn, cream and brown, cream and orange (faded), or cream and dark blue, according to line of pattern. This consists of six or twelve-petalled rosettes, 20 X 2" in diam., and I*" apart horizontally, set out in close rows, diagonally, with a ring of small starlike eight:petalled flowers surrounding each. These rings touch adjacent rings at their angles, and thus formed" a light hexagonal network between the large

rosettes. The latter were blue, brown, and orange in successive rows ; their outlines and veining, and petals of small flowers, being woven always in cream, while centres of small flowers are of same colour as large rosettes adjoining. The shape of the latter varied in alternate rows. The largest fr. of rosette preserved has an inner series of trumpet-shaped trefoil petals, and an outer series of wide trilobate petals with smaller rounded petal-tip appearing between each pair. The edge of rosettes in adjoining rows show, however, only plain pointed petal-tips, prôb. twelve to the rosette.

Weft forming petals passes loosely across surface of fabric; being interwoven with strand of warp only at intervals of i" or so. Behind, however, the other weft is firmly interwoven with warp, and not left loose as in Ch. 00170. Same principle followed in weaving outlines and the small flowers. Good condition. 3" X 2r and 4" x 7".

Ch. 00482. Fr. of silk damask, soft blue, firm and closely woven, with broad flat warp and very fine weft. On obv. latter predominates in ground, giving smooth silky surface, and warp in pattern forming a fine grain. On rev. the effect is naturally reversed. Design consists of latticework of bands c. g" wide, formed of small hooked tendrils, and enclosing elliptical or lozenge-shaped spaces in which are flower-sprays, alternately trumpet-shaped and elliptical five-petalled, with leaves. Good condition. 4" x

Ch. 00483. Two frs. of printed silk damask, soft, loose-woven ; damask design a small lozenge spot on plain ground. Printed design, large, incomplete, consists of repeating medallions, with border formed of double intertwining bands, enclosing a flying bird or birds. Diam. of medallion uncertain ; frs. preserved show arc of I' 3". Bird appears to be of phoenix-type, with upcurled wings, crested head, curved beak, and short broad tail (?), but the pink in which much of it was printed has faded, leaving details obscure. Between medallions were spotted lozenge-shaped figs., incompletely preserved. Colour : damask ground, deep yellow ; intertwining border of circle, dark greenish indigo, also central lines of bird's head, neck, and body, and quills of wings; remainder of bird, pink (faded); outlines and spots on bird's breast and tail, natural colour of silk. Fair condition. For design of similar type on small scale, see printed damask of Ch. i. 0022 (Pl. CxIIi). 1' 4" x 4" and 'or X4E.

Ch. 00484. Two frs. of cream silk damask, orig. one and forming suspension loop of banner. Firm and closely woven. Ground, fine twill ; pattern, large twill running in reverse direction. Frs. preserved show only rounded feathers of peacock tail (cf. Ch. 00293. a, b) from large design. 4" x 2" and 3" x Iâ".

Ch. 00485. Fr. of silk damask, light brown ; yarn slightly stiffened. Ground and pattern both woven in twill, running in opposite directions. Design : a naturalistic spray of lotus (?) bud between two leaves, repeated in close rows and forming an all-over pattern. Good condition. Ion" X 5".

Ch. 00486. Eight frs. of silk damask from headpiece border of Ch. 00512. Old-gold, much dirtied and