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0250 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 250 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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holes pierced through side, opposite each other, 1" from top, but no mark as of string ; exterior inked black all over. H. 3f", diam. at bottom 3', at top 1i°. Pl. LII.

*T. vin. 004. Wooden bracket ; one of many differing only slightly in decoration. A tenon 21." long x Iâ° x I° terminates in bracket of same thickness, 58" long and 2r wide. Bottom of bracket straight, continuing line of tenon, but rounded off to end ; top rises above line of tenon to a point from which it is scooped down about i" in a curve that rises again to outer point, which is rounded off; this upper curved face is bevelled. Below, decoration consists of two deep grooves, running parallel with edges, taken up the rounded end and meeting at the rounded top in a splayed petal-like hollow, the central rib being rounded off short. On the two sides is orn. of incised lines—some highly stylized motive, prob. based on a flower; at top outer corner a circle or eye ' whence eadiate curved lines to lower edge, and (following curve of top edge) to wall face ; or these are met by parabolic curved lines running from wall face to lower edge (T. xi'. a. 001-3) ; a curved or zigzag line marks the centre of the bracket. The whole may be outlined by a groove following the contours of the bracket (T. xix. a. 001-3). There are traces of yellow and blue-black paint. Prob. the smaller examples were merely hooks for clothes or utensils (T. xnt. ii. 001); others were prob. meant to hang equipment and arms from. Other examples and variants :--T. v. 001-4 ; vI. b. iii. o0I ; vr.' C. iii. 002, 003 ; VIII. 005-9, 0030-33, 0047 ; xn. a. 00I-3 ; XIII. 001 ; XIII. i. 001 ; XIII. ii. 00I. T. VIII. 004, Pl. LIV.

T. vin. 005-006. Two wooden brackets ; type of T. VIn. 004. Tenon of oo6 is cut off at length of Length of whole 7a" (of tenon 2k°), width 2" x 18". 00$, Pl. LIV.

T. vin. o07. Fr. of wooden bracket ; variant of T. VIII. 004. Hollow upper side not curved, but sloped down to make acute angle with end ; tenon and part of bracket proper broken off. 4" (broken) x ig° x Ig.

T. vui. oo8. Wooden bracket ; see T. viII. 004 ; variant as T. VIII. 007, but smaller. Incisions merely follow outline, no ` eye ' ; slight traces of yellow and black ; complete. 6" (tenon 2') x 18° x Ii°. Pl. LIV.

T. vin. oog. Wooden bracket ; see T. viII. 004 ; variant as T. vIII. 007, but smaller and ruder. Upper surface sloped to meet tenon at flat angle ; no collar; incisions only on end ; and in these and on sides remains of yellow and blue paint. 6" (tenon 2}E") X Iff"x 1r .

T. vur. ooxo. Octagonal wooden block, flat at both ends; into one end six holes c. r in diam. irregularly pierced to depth of 2" to 3'; painted black all over, but paint now mostly worn off. A stand for holding sticks of incense (?). H. 31", diam. 3r. Pl. LII.

T. vin. ooII-oo17. Seven wooden seal-cases ; see T. VIII. 5. 0014 and oo i 5 of type C, remainder of type A. Average measurements i8"x (A) rr, (C) s",xi".

T. vm. oox8. Flat rectang. piece of wood ; at one end a broad tenon ; slightly thinned down to other end, where it is sharply bevelled off and pierced by hole" in diam. ; cf. T. mt. a. 0013. Length 2" (with tenon 3h")


T. vin. ooig. Wooden block with two grooves, I" x â", across it ; one end broken off down to bottom of groove ; several saw-marks at bottom of each groove. Sawing block(?). 21"X Ig"X Iig".

T. vin. 0020. Half of wooden comb with arched back as L.A. vi. ii. 0014. H. 3iß", width (broken) ri", length of teeth I$", 6 teeth to 1".

T. VIII. 0021. Wooden block roughly rectang., pierced with two r holes ; traces of purple paint. 3r x iâ" x i".

T. vin. 0022. Corner of wooden board, coloured black one side, red the other ; to black side sticks fr. of red silk fabric also painted over black, 3r X I8" X a".

T. vim. 0023. Flat oblong piece of wood, with edges of one end bevelled ; stained dull purple. zg" x r Â" x

T. vin. 0024. Wooden disc ; on one side, edge cut in a curved bevel 8° wide ; on other side, edge square ; in centre, hole ." sq. ; across top, mark of pin holding axle. Bevel shows signs of friction. Diam. 31", thickness (centre)", (edge) 8.

T. viii. 0025. Wooden block, D-shaped in section ; one end and adjacent sides are wrapped in linen ; on this, thick black paint. Apparently used for grinding the paint. Cf. T. xIi. a. 0012, 0021, I." X I "X Ir". Pl. LIV.

T. vii. 0026. Wooden bar, slightly curved ; in section an isosceles triangle, edge along apex being the convex. In concave base side are bored five holes, c. â" in diam. and about 3" apart ; three not being in centre break through convex side of bar above. Traces of black paint both on sides and base. Cf. T. via. 0027. Length 148", width of base 8", h. Iia" (one end), â" (the other).

T. VIII. 0027. Wooden bar slightly curved as T. vile. 0026, oblong in section ; in narrow concave side four â" holes bored ; one pierces to the other side, others 4" deep. Remains of black paint. 1 o8" X r x ".

T. vur. 0028. Fr. of rectang. cov.•tablet (?) showing part of seal cay.; fine wood ; blank. 4g"x

T. VIII. 0029. Fr. of wooden board ; red on one side, black on other ; broken edges stained purple. Gr. M. 3 '.

T. vin. 0030-0088. Four wooden brackets ; see T. VIII. 004, but smaller and simpler. Only one groove down sides, making with concave upper edge a curved pear-shaped lobe ; three grooves, or two, on end ; underneath and side up to lobe painted black, lobe and end red. Tenons of 0032 and 0033 broken off. Average measurements, length 5r (tenons I*" and ii"), h. 1, thickness r. 0031, Pl. LIV.

T. viu. 0084. Fr. of wooden bar, roughly oblong in section and broken at one end; pierced through broader