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0252 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 252 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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leather sole ; felt covered with woollen cloth, having warp of twisted buff yarn and weft of fine red wool, close-pressed, concealing warp and giving ribbed effect. Ragged and worn. Length II".

T. xx. iv. ooz. Part of ovoid wooden bowl, like T. vI.


b. ii. oor ; was lacquered, but lacquer has all come off except a trace. Length z ", width of base ii', above 3', h. r4"

T. xi. iv. 002. Fr. of cane split from knot downwards;

end sharpened to point. 5' x z".   •



T. xir. z. Pottery fr., hand-made, of fairly well levigated red clay, grey-burning, fired on an open hearth, with ' mat-marking ' on outer face. Cf. T. nt. 004. Gr. M. 2r .

T. xir. 2. Fr. of pottery vessel, wheel-made, of grey- burning fairly well levigated clay, kiln-fired, with ' mat-marking' on outer face. Cf. T. III. 004. Gr. M. 3". Pl. Iv.

T. xu. 3. Pottery fr., wheel-made (?), much weathered, of poorly levigated red clay burning to grey ; fired on an open hearth and 'smothered'; grey-black exterior orn. with mat-marking'. Cf. T. nt. 004. Gr. M. zi".

T. zu. 12-13. Two wooden seal-cases ; 12, type A; 13, type C. See T. vim 5. 12, I4"X I$-"Xg ; 13, lip x


T. xu. o01. Flat piece of wood, roughly sq., with rude hole 4" in diam. in centre. IA' x I " x i".

T. zu. 002. Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. via. 5. String tied round. z*" x r" xi".

T. xu. 003. Wooden peg, oblong in section, with sq. head bevelled to point ; broken at other end. 3" x "

X A. tor.

T. xII. 004. Fr. of pottery vessel ; flat bottom.(?) pierced with holes, $" in diam. Wheel-made, of welllevigated grey-burning clay, kiln-fired. Orig. diam. c. 8r. Gr. M. 4".

T. xu. 005. Rope and wooden peg. Peg rounded and tapered to a point (now broken), then split flat down one side. In one sharp edge groove cut, in which is fastened a rope of two strands by means of slip-knot. Peg 74' x A" x r ; rope, length 18', diam. fe".

T. xu. oo6. Wooden fire-stick (female), unfinished;

one edge squared, with three ' hearths ' near one end, unused ; other edges and back broken off. Cf. L.A. v. ii. I. 54" X g" X g".

T. xzl. coq. Wooden pen ; made of stick with bark on, trimmed to a point. 9" x 1" to A".

T. xu. 008. Wooden strip, apparently once lacquered. 8~"x I"xig".

T. xrr. oog. Wooden stick with bark still on, cut neatly sq. at one end, and into a'wedge at the other ; out of this wedge the pith has fallen. Length 8', diam. r.

T. zu. ooio. Part of lacquered wooden bowl, strip from rim to base ; black outside, inside red over black. Cf. T. vI. b. ii. oox. H. c. 6", thickness at rim h", at base â".

T. six. ooze. Flat wooden strip pointed at one end. 4A" X g" x ".

T. xil. 0012. Wooden pen ; made of twig with bark on, pointed at one end. Length 3r, diam. 8".

T. xii. 0013. Wooden spatula with flat oval bowl ; handle broken. Length 4-", bowl 2*" x I ".

*T. xII. 0014-0015. Two painted wooden knobs, oblong in section, bevelled off above to four-sided point and tapering below to smaller oblong neck. oor5 in good condition, neck unpainted, head painted black and red; 0014 broken, sand-encrusted, red paint only. Perhaps stoppers. Other examples :-T. x11. 0019; xv.001-003; xxv1. 001 ; xxvIr. oog, 0013. 0015 : h. 28", of head only I "; gr. width Iâ", gr. thickness 4".

T. zu. 0016. Wooden pen ; roughly pointed stick with bark still on. 31" X i".

T. zu. 0017. Part of wooden needle (?). End above eye broken off ; eye part flat, but when complete at least r wide. Length 51", width 8" to 2,6", thickness 4" to ", width of eye i".

T. xir. 0018. Oblong piece of wood ; one long side broken off, the others squared ; in middle two holes, in which are strings, knotted on one side, cut off flush with surface of wood on the other. 5s" x I4" x g".

T. xir. ooIg. Wooden knob ; .see T. xII.0015 ; traces of black paint. z*" x r sq. (max.).

T. xri. 0020. Arrow. Iron tang (broken in two piece's) ; bronze head, type of T. 007 ; sides plain, point rounded. Length of tang 88", diam. s", length of head I". Pl. LIII.

T. xu. 0021. Three frs. of rope : one, plaited hemp, with loop at end as T. xII. a. 0031, I I" X â"; two of string made of coarse fibre, 17" x 5" long x ig" diam. ; one, flat plaited rope made of goat's hair (?), g" x g" x 4".

T. zu. 0022. Felt inner sole of shoe. in" x 3s"

T. xu. 0023. Fr. of string shoe sole, hemp ; string coiled flat and bound by string passing through transversely. Gr. M. 5".

T. xu. 0024. Two pieces of matting of plaited cane. The strips of cane, c. 4" wide, run diagonally to the edge

of   material, and each passes under and over alternately
sets of three strips running at right angles ; each strip starts passing under or over one sooner than its fellow on one side, and one later than the strip on the other. Both pieces are doubled, the two sides being tied close with