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0253 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 253 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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string ; mat was evidently doubled again when burnt, the edges of each piece being equally charred. 5" X r 0".

T. zII. 0025. Wooden peg ; flat on one side, rounded on other ; wedge-shaped point. 2" x" x ".

T. XII. 0026. Fabric frs. ; much torn piece of buff silk sewn to small strip of blue; both plain weave. Length 6".

T. zu. 0027. Coarse hemp cord, two-ply, broken each end. Length 1'5", diam.

T. XII. 0028. Strip of buff silk fabric, fine plain weave. C. 19" X t".

T. XII. 0029. Two frs. of hemp or cotton fabric, light buff, loose plain weave ; edges of one charred. Gr. fr. I' x 9a". [Not analysed.]

T. XII. 0030. Bottom of cane basket. Nine or ten flat slips of cane (some broken) interlace across bottom making solid centre c. 3" in diam., beyond which rise their free ends to form ribs. In and out over every alternate rib are woven long narrow strips of cane roughly sq. in section ; the intermediate ribs being left free in inside of basket, but possibly taken into the weave higher up. Diam. extant 6".


T. zu. a. 001-003. Three wooden brackets ; see T. VIII. 004. Same type, but upper surface less hollowed out; remains of yellow and indigo paint. Average measurements 8° (tenon 3") x 2r X I, ". 003, Pl. LIV.

T. XII. a. 004. Spec. of calcined reeds from stacks of fascines near tower. Gr. M. 31". Pl. LII.

T. xu. a. 005-o011. Seven wooden seal.cases ; 00500 x 0, type A ; oo 1 r, type C ; see T. vIII. 5. 009 is 18' deep and has groove 8" x 1.° cut across under side.


Average measurements I X I X r oo6, 009, Pl. LIII.

T. zu. a. 0012. Wooden block with square ends and bottom, the top rounded and slightly hollowed in the middle ; both broad sides are dinted with small irregular bruised holes. Prob. a paint-grinder; cf. T. vIII. 0025, XII. a. 002I. Iâ'X I "X I".

T. zu. a. 0013. Flat oblong piece of wood ; cf. T. VIII. oo18. At one end both long edges bevelled to a wedge ; other end has all edges slightly bevelled, and g' hole in corner ; one long edge bevelled on one side ; on both sides traces of a line in ink across middle. 2*" x Iig" Xg".

T. zII. a. 0014. Round wooden stopper pierced vertically ; through hole is string broken short ; top edges bevelled, rabbet (" x â") round bottom edge ; painted black. H. e", diam. Ir.

T. zu. a. 0015-0018. Four wooden seal•cases, type C; see T. VIII. 5. 0018 has slip of wood wedged across bottom of groove ; cf. T. xv. a. ii. 005 ; 0017 has four notches underneath. oozy (largest) I$"x t$".

T. zu. a. ooig. Miniature wooden bracket (?) made of flat wooden strip thinned at each end ; from middle of one thin edge two ` horns ' project roughly at right angles, embracing an arc of about 90°. 54"x â" to A" X Tg" to ö".

T. zu. a. 0020. Wooden bar, oblong in section, well finished with bevelled edges ; at one end two holes close together ; other end (broken) has mortice, tenon from second block fitting therein, a wooden peg securing tenon,

and traces of glue and binding round. 3/-" x   ig"

T. zu. a. 0021. Wooden block, prob. a paint-grinder ; see T. mt. a. 0012 (for shape), and (for use) T. vIII. 0025. ITV xf"xj

T. zu. a. 0022. Round wooden stick cut thinner for 1" at each end ; through each true end and each end of the thicker part is a hole with remains of pèg; all four holes are in line. Length 7", diam.. " to $".

T. XII. a. 0023. Thin wooden pin with loose pear-shaped head ; latter made separately, in two pieces, of which only narrower remains ; cf. L.B. Iv. 005. Length of pin 8*',

diam. 26' to r, head I' x g' to   .

T. zu. a. 0024. Wooden stick, flat on one side, rounded the other, and bent so that flat side is convex ; pointed at each end ; round each end are tied ends of one piece of string. Apparently a bow, perhaps for a small drill. 8r" X g 1v. Pl. LIII.

T. XII. a. 0025. Finial carved in wood, as if of miniature Stûpa ; oblong in section with five umbrellas ; tenon for attachment below broken ; painted black all ever. I~" X I' to r X r to r. Pl. LIII.

*T. zu. a. 0026. Iron skewer, oblong in section; end bent into ring-handle, round in section ; corroded. Cf. T. XVIII. ii. 9 b ; xxver. 0019 ; T. W. 005, 007. Length of whole 6', of pin 5r, gr. width of pin *", thickness r. Pl. LIV.

T. zu. a. 0027. Bundle of reeds, probably for matting, tied round with six strings at intervals of c. 3"; each string knotted and cut short, not as in mat T. xiv. i. oo6. Length '5k', diam. 8" to A".

T. zu. a. 0028. Two bundles of reeds, for matting; stems tied round with string, each bundle in three places

Length c. 4", diam. c. â"   9

T. zu. a. 0029. Bundle of reeds, like T. mt. a. 0027 ; tied with string in five places. Length 9r, diam. r to i'.

T. zu. a. 0030. Skin and skeleton of snake. Length (twisted) 7r, diam. c. $'.

T. zu. a. 0031. Noose of coarse rope. Rope is bent double, and 3" from bend the two ends are divided and plaited together to make one four-ply rope of double size, the end of which is passed through the loop and knotted. Diam. of rope, double ", single r, inside diam. of loop 3' x I .