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0255 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 255 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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end ; but most of middle of sheet (as unfolded) lost, and hence all 11. except first incomplete. Writing black and clear. Paper as in I. 16" x 5". Pls. CLIII, CLVI.

T. xu. a. ii. 8. a-g. Frs. of Early Sogdian paper doc. ; g main part of large fol. found folded. a-f small frs., some perhaps belonging to g. Latter shows traces of address on back, and inside remains of I0 11. running parallel to long side of fol. and one I. across one end. Writing fairly clear, and black, but middle of sheet with greater part of last 4 11. lost. Of small frs., a is blank, b shows frs. of 9 11., and the rest a few chars. each. Paper as in r. g 151. x 7'; b (largest fr.) 3" X I811. Pls. CLIII, CLIV, CLVII.

T. xu. a. il. 2o. Fr. of fine silk, plain, undyed, much torn ; showing remains of 9 lI. Khar., faint, on one side. 3' X 2r". PI. XXXIX.

T. xu. a. ii. ooz. Wooden seal-case, type A ; see T. wit. 5 ; string passing through one groove and tied round block. xi" XI*'x r.

T. xII. a. ii. 002. Specimen of refuse.

T. xu. a. ii. 003. Fabric frs. from rubbish ; silk, all plain or fine corded weave, and ragged; including :-4 frs. buff,

3 frs. red, it fr. pink, z fr. grey, z fr. grey sewn to fr. of blue, I fr. blue, i fr. blue sewn to fr. of buff, cord of four pieces silk (3 huff, r green) knotted together ; lump of cotton waste, covered with red silk, and with string of blue silk attached to it ; and r fr. grey hemp or cotton fabric, plain weave. Gr. M. c. 'off.

T. xit. a. ii. 004. Flat strip of wood with one .edge cut into a series of varying curves divided by pointed notches; at one end a hole. Perhaps the leg of a model piece of furniture (?). 41" X" x g". PI. LIII.

T. xII. a. ii. 005. Wooden die (?) ; oblong block painted

black ; cf. T. xxvii. 007-008, XXVIII. k-n.   "X "x 8".

T. xi'. a. ii. 006. Short wooden stick, pointed at one end. It passes through a piece of cane ; round this, string is wound tightly, and continues up stick away from the point, though no second piece of cane to support it remains. Possibly from joint of arrow-head, a socketed metal head having been fixed to reed by a separate wooden tang. Length of stick 2°, diam. c. }', diam. of cane I', length covered with wound string Ih". PI. LIII.

T. xu. a. ii. 007. Finial carved in wood, as if of miniature Stilpa; rectang. with five umbrellas, as T. xII. a. 0025, but narrower; edges all worn off. i-" X ÿg"



T. xIII. ooI. Wooden bracket ; see T. viII. 004 ; variant as T. xII. a. ooz ; tenon broken. Bracket proper 41" long (with broken tenon 6r) x 23" x

T. xiir. 002. Flat piece of wood, with two-thirds of its thickness cut away except at one end. This raised block is finished off with a curved bevel, and pierced by a hole A" in diam. ; each end is cut into four teeth by three grooves c. e' wide x I' deep ; whole shows traces of dark paint. 54"x I ' X Wig' tog'.

T. xm. 003. Woven string sandal, type of T. xtv. a. 002, but still stronger make ; most of fore-part gone, but point of toe preserved. From refuse-heap S. of tower. Length I Ii", gr. width 4'.

T. nu. 004. Woven string sandal, type of T. xrv. a. 002 ; side-loops gone and whole of heel. From refuse-heap to S. of tower. Length 9' (incomplete), gr. width 4r.

T. xm. 005. Bronze arrow-head ; a round core fitted with three barbs along its whole length ; much corroded ; iron tang. Length of head II', of whole 3A". Pl. LIII.

T. xur. 006-007. Two bronze arrow-heads, type T. 007, but xIII.007 has sharper point ; sides plain, remains of iron tang. Length rim'.

T. xm. oo8. Lentoid bead of grey pebble, naturally polished ; cut flat at ends. Diam. A".

T. xiu. oog. Piece, of bone, hollowed out into a tube; one end plugged with wood. Length ah", diam. c. E.

T. xm. i, ooi. Wooden bracket; see T. via. 004. Vàriant,—both sides slightly curved and parallel, and no


knob at end ; decoration in black and red paint ; no incisions ; circle on each flat side, and arrangement of curved lines suggesting feathers; on convex side more curved lines. Condition good. 7" (tenon ar) X i â' X tr. Pl. LIV.

Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. vni.

5 ; traces of black colour. xi" x I ' x

T. xiir. i. 003. Wooden spatula (?), like model oar ; straight rectang. blade 2}-' X 4', very slender rounded shaft. Total length (broken) io'.

T. xm. 1. 003. a. Small bag of grey silk, the lining cut from Chin. letter on silk and its inscr. showing on outer side. Very fine texture and plain weave. Constructed of four pieces :—the mouthpiece—a square with round hole in centre ; sides—a tube sewn by its upper end to edges of hole ; bottom—a circular piece sewn to and closing lower end of tube. A folded strip sewn by its centre to one side of upper end of tube forms a band for tying up the mouth. Much split and very brittle. For Chin. letter see Chavannes, Documents, No. 398, and Pl. xX. Length c. 3r, sq.

top 3r".

T. xiu. i-ii. ooz. a-b. Fabric frs.; red, grey, and buff silk, plain weave ; pieces of buff silk twisted into cord, and two pieces of buff hemp or cotton fabric, coarse. Gr. M. (cord) 2'2"..

T. xi i. ii. ooz. Wooden bracket ; see T. viii. 004; variant as T. wit. 007, but much smaller. Painted decoration of black diagonal lines on red ground; paint much destroyed, especially round the hook at the end,


T. xiu. 1. 002.