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0256 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 256 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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where the wood has been much worn on top and sides owing to objects hanging on it. 6i" (of which tenon 2k') xtrx8".

T. XIII. ii. 002-003. Two wooden seal-cases, type A ; see T. viii. 5. 003 retains string and most of clay of seal ; bad condition. 002, I$" X I-" X k'; 003, Iâ" X I' X g". Pl. LIII.

T. xur. iii. ooz. Handle of broom made of split cane. A small handful of the cane was first taken, and 5' from the end a string wrapped twice round to secure it ; the end of the string was then brought through the cane slithers, looped round the two bindings, and taken back again

through the canes ; then a second small bundle was laid against the first at the point where the string issued from it ; the string was passed through the middle of the second bundle, taken twice round the two combined, then right through again to be looped across this second binding ; and so back and out, when a third bundle was added. The several bindings come about 1" apart and are eight in number ; each successive bundle, being tied nearer to the handle end, spread out more freely and gave a better whisking surface ; finally, the string was knotted firmly round the last binding, and the cane ends were neatly rounded off for the handle. Much worn down by use. Length 6r, circumference at handle 4f".


T. xiv. ooz. Fr. of base of lacquered wooden bowl, oval like T. vi. b. ii. ooi ; red inside, black out. 1a' X

T. Xrv. 002. Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. viii. 5. Painted black except at ends and in hollow, roughly cut. 2i;x l xâ".

T. xiv. 003. Axe blade of wrought iron. Curved cutting edge ; sides have been doubled over at back to make rectang. oblong socket for handle ; blade consequently shield-shaped. Fine example of ironwork. Length of blade 4r", depth of blade 4', thickness of blade from I", length of socket 2'. Pl. LIV.

T. xlv. 004. a–e. Frs. of fabrics and paper from refuse layer on S. face of mound, including :—(a) fr. of imperfectly made paper (silk spun ?). Its present condition is that of a loose felt, which may be the result of the paper's being soaked in water, or of the pulp's being left unfinished ; cf. the more completely made paper T. xiv. i. 003. Gr. fr. s-" x 2k'. (b) Fr. of coarse goat's hair fabric, buff, ribbed weave. - 6" X Ion". (c) Fr. of close-woven red-brown woollen fabric, sand-encrusted. 41" x zk". (d) Fr. of fine buff woollen fabric. Gr. length 8'. (e) Fr. of coarse hemp fabric, faded brown, plain weave. 3" X 41'. (b) PI. XLVIII.

T. xrv. 006. Eight pointed wooden slips ; one shows two faded Chin. chars., the rest are apparently teeth for

a trap like T. xv. a. i. ooq (q. v.). Length z*' to 31".

T. xrv. i. ooz. Twelve wooden writing slips, blank. Gr. length 14'.

T. xiv. i. 002. Fabric frs., including one piece of buff silk and one of dark blue with turned-over edge sewn with buff silk ; both plain weave, very ragged. Gr. M. Ix".

T. xrv. i. 003. Five frs. of paper; soft thick felted make, very ragged. Gr. M. 7'.

T. xiv. i. 004. Misc. hemp (?) frs. including :—one piece of coarse buff fabric, one piece of string (' diam.), two pieces of coarse thin felt or paper; all very ragged. Gr. M. (string) c. 1'.

T. ray. i. 005. Fr. of silk embroidery ; fine dark blue corded silk, showing part of floral (?) design worked in

close rows of chain-stitch in red, light blue, and green,
outlined with buff. Fine work. Cf. Ch. iv. ooz. Gr. M.

T. xrv. i. ooh. Grass matting found in entrance passage of shrine. Matting made as follows:—two-ply hempen cords (five survive) were laid parallel on the ground, 3' to 3*' apart, rather more than double the length of the proposed mat ; a knot was made in each cord some way to one side of the middle ; a small bundle of grass 3' in circumference, and (at present) about 18" long, was laid at right angles across the cords by the knots; the longer end of each cord was then brought over the grass bundle, under the cord, and up through its own loop; a second bundle was laid close alongside the first and the process repeated. The lower cord was kept stretched all the time, and so passed straight along beneath the mat ; all the binding was done by the upper cord. The orig. length of the mat was c. 3' 7' ; its breadth apparently If Io". The sides were neatly trimmed. 3' z" x I' 7" x ".

T. xrv. ii. r. Wedge cov: tablet; empty seal-case containing remains of plain silk fabric ; point end broken. Blank. 4k" X I" X r.

T. xrv. ii. ooi. Ear-handle of lacquered wooden bowl. Inside plain brownish red ; handle brownish red, with bright red pattern of concentric circles with dot centres set between heavy single and thin double lines, and occasional dots ; cf. T. xv. a. iii. ooi. Well preserved. 3' x " x '.

T. xrv. il. 002. Bundle of wooden writing slips, blank, and shavings. Gr. length 6i".

T. xrv. ii. 003. Mixed grain.

T. xrv. ii. 004. Fr. of brown silk fabric, plain weave, and of hemp cord ; both rotted. Gr. M. c. 21".

T. xrv. ii. oos. Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. Vin. 5. IrXI*"Xg.

T. xiv. iii. 17. Wooden ink-seal ; small rectang. block, pierced transversely, having face ' sq., on which in

angular seal writing are cut two Chin. chars.   0.
ell ang shou = ' prolonged old age '. On back, R. side