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0265 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 265 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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ink-marks on one side. Both apparently unfinished...00f, I8" x r (max.) xi" (max.) ; oo6, i " x A" sq.

T. xxvn. 007-008. Two wooden dice or counters (?); small oblong blocks; 007 painted black all over except on one long side, from which paint has been removed ; oo8 showing remains of ink or paint on one side. Cf. T. xu. a. ii. 005 and xxvur. d-g, k-n. fa' and i' x j a" X V.

T. xxvn. oog. Wooden knob or stopper, similr to T. xxx. 0015 but much smaller, unpainted, and neatly cut. Long stem preserved intact, ending in short four-sided point. Both stem and head sq. in section. Length 2", diam.:" sq. to i" sq.

T. xxvn. o01o. Wooden peg resembling T. 00z, but oblong in section and roughly shaped. On flat front is rudely drawn face in ink, extending almost to bottom of peg. Nose long and narrow ; heavy eyebrows and eyes sloping strongly downwards and inwards; moustache and beard. Cf. T. xxviII. 35. 6k" x 1i-' (max.) x ".

T. xxvn. oo11. Part of wooden fire-stick (female), like L.A. v. ii. 1. Three grooves cut down one edge, and two down the other ; remains of one ' hearth ' on one side ; on other, two and beginning of third. Interesting as showing that groove was cut first. ,r x iv

T. xxvn. 0012. Wooden comb with high-arched back ; cf. L.A. viii. oor, but unusually coarse ; six teeth only, ." from each other. H. 41", width ri", length of teeth 2".

T. xxvn. 0013. Wooden knob or stopper, like T. xxvn. oog. Remains of black paint on head, which is cut back sq. to stem. Length I?a" (i" neck, An head), diam. i" sq. to h" sq. Pl. LIII.

T. xxvn. 0014. Sixteen wooden writing slips, un-inscribed (5 whole, I I frs.). Length (whole) 8k".

T. xxvn. oww5. Wooden spoon, with rounded-oblong flat bowl and handle in continuous curve. Length 7i" (of bowl z.'), gr. width i z ".

T. xxvn. 0016. Wooden rod neatly trimmed round. Length 88', diam. ".


T. xxvn. ooiq. Wooden spatula, with straight-sided narrow blade. Length 54" (blade z*"), gr. width r.

T. xxvn. 0018-0019. Two wooden pens, made of sticks, with bark on, trimmed to point. See T. xII. 001z. Length 5" and 4r, diam. ." and fig".

T. xxvn. 0020. Wooden rod, oblong in section, having at one end raised knob with four edges bevelled almost to point; other end broken. Cf. T. xiI.0015, etc. 3j" x r

x r.

T. xxvn. 0021. Fr. of reed broom (?). Reeds, shredded, appear to have been arranged in bundles of about r diam., and then to have been plaited together at one end and tied with string. (Adhering to lump of clay and stones.) Length C. 44".

T. xxvn. 0022. Strong fibre rope made of split stalk of some creeper. Quadruple, being made of two double strands ; one end knotted, the other unravelled. Length I' 7", diam. i".

T. xxvn. 0023. Fr. of fibre string matting. Over a horizontal length of stout hemp cord, loosely twisted one-ply fibre strings are passed, and the two ends twisted together ; z*" down, these are kept apart and knotted round a second horizontal hemp cord. Fresh lengths of fibre string are then passed in the same way over this second cord, each also looped about one of the upper vertical strands. An inch lower a double hemp string passes along horizontal, the two strands enclosing in turn each vertical string, and twisting to take the next. I1" below this the vertical strings, coming to an end, are knotted round a horizontal cord, and the process repeated. The unravelled ends of each set of vertical strings hang loose behind the fabric, and do not show in front. Four courses extant. c. 1' z"x Io". Pl. LIV.

T. xxvn. 0024. Fr. of stone ware bowl ; lower part of side. Buff clay; interior coated with pale greyish-white glaze, exterior unglazed except for a drop of dull green. Gr. M. I'.


T. xxvur. a-b. Two wooden seal-cases : (a) type B ; (b) type A ; see T. vin. 5. Excellent condition. (a) 18" x I e" x"; (b) I" x xi" x ".

T. xxvur. c. Wooden counter or die (?), tip-cat shaped as T. xviII. iii. 003, but with no marks. Surface smooth and polished. Length If", section in middle i" sq.

T. xxvur. d-g. Four oblong wooden blocks, plain sides and ends ; prob. for making dice or seals. See T. xxI. a. ii. 005, xxvli. 15. Good condition. Length 8" to Ii", diam..A" sq. to fg" sq.

T. xxvur. h. Seven-sided wooden stick. One end cut off sq., at other has been cut down inwards from the angles so as to leave a slender rod (broken) projecting at centre from a rough five-petalled lotus. Length 2k", diam.


T. xxvur. j. Wooden ink-seal ; oblong block of tamarisk (?) wood, roughly cut away at one end to make small projecting sealing-face ig" sq. ; no longer perfect, but containing a single Chin. char., not determined. [Mr. L. C. Hopkins.] Cf. T. xxvii. r5, xxviir. d. I " x " sq. PI. LIII.

T. xxvur. k-n. Four oblong wooden blocks ; each long face having cross-diagonals drawn on it in ink, and the spaces so formed filled with dashes and dots. Possibly for making seals, the die-cutter having only roughly blocked out his design ; or for dice. Cf. T. xxx. a. ii. 005, xxvir. 15. k and nz in excellent condition, Z and n worn. Length +-s' to I ", diam. ?- " sq. to -" sq. k, Pl. LIII.

T. xxvur. o. Leather disc with hole at centre like washer ; irregular at outer edge, but approximately circular at inner edge. Outside diam. ri", inside diam. fr. 5 H 2